Wednesday, December 25, 2024

When World's Collide


We were coming upon our 50th wedding anniversary. My husband had always loved giving me gifts he thought fitting for me, that he knew I would love because he loved them. He's always had an eye for excellence and loved showing me how much he loved me through those gifts that spoke louder than he had words for. Acts of kindness is his love language, some would say. He is, indeed, a people magnet. Possibly because of the kindness he shows to all who step into his world.

The brutal truth here is that most of my adult life I have felt unworthy of love. Not because I am a bad person. Not because I am a taker, yet never give. And not because I haven't loved others. But just because I haven't allowed myself to see as my Heavenly Father sees. To Him, I am perfect, in spite of my metaphorically crooked legs that cause me to stumble. In spite of my sometimes fearful heart. In spite of always looking for the worst case scenario. Always loving the times I allow the sun to shine on my face and lift me up from the dust of life. It's not that I focus on all the wrongs done to me during my short life. It's not that I keep myself chained to the past (or do I?). I do understand that I no longer am bound by it. It's only because I allow myself to be "triggered" by certain actions and statements, that bring the once hidden files rushing to the frontal lobe of my brain, where personality, social behavior, and emotional regulation take place. That's also when I need sugar. Lots of sugar. And we all know what sugar does to us. Right? It jacks us up before slamming us down, where we are virtually unable to cooperate with anything, or anyone.

There will be many who read this that won't understand what my heart is focused on this early A.M., but for some....well, they will know exactly what I am saying. Instantly...

The gift presented to me for so many years of being a faithful wife and mother, changed so many things. First of all, it reminded me of who I have always been. Not of what I had walked through that challenged who I have always been. Nor of who I was meant to be. One simple, yet profound gift. As I think about it today, I think of the Prodigal Son who, upon returning home, his father called for a ring to be placed on his finger. (There is so much more to this story that can be found in Luke 15:11-32). If one would take time to read this short passage, well...I'll just say this: This portion of Scripture has been known to melt the coldest of hearts.

The gift that was placed on my finger at the beginning of this month ( a couple of weeks before our anniversary), reminded me of who I am. And now, outward signs are developing that I had given up on ever happening. Like most, I had told myself this was my life (it is a good life) and that I should forget the desire of my heart of it being anything else. Oh, I'm still me. I'll always and forever, be me. Maybe a refined me??? We'll see where this takes us. If it indeed does take us somewhere other than where I've been my entire life.

Synopsis: God is always working on our behalf, and when we least expect it, will reveal his Love for us in a deeper, more meaningful way than we could ever imagine. And yes. He uses the mundane to reveal the extraordinary.

My hope for you this Christmas season, is that you will see. That you will actually feel the love that our Creator, our Heavenly Father, has for you. That you can get glimpses of how his heart feeds yours. That He is always waiting for us to look His way. To ask of Him. To love Him simply because He loves us. It is we who need changing. Not him.

May the joy of this season be yours, forever and always. 

As always, here you will find Mary's World.


Friday, December 6, 2024

And Then She Stopped

It's been 3 weeks now, maybe 4, since I've seen her. The light glows from her window in the wee hours before sunup. Most times the light flickers on way too early. I know because I, too, am up way too early. One should be sleeping, should be recharging, should be renewing the body at 2, 3, and 4 AM. But not her. I'm guessing the years have begun their sapping time, forcing her to retire to the bedroom before she really wants to, and in like manner, rising before she wants to.

I know this time of year can take its tole, because, as her mother once said, "There's simply not enough hours in the day." She was another hard worker! Turns out I met her many years ago (77 years and 6 months ago, to be exact). I just didn't realize our walking girl would turn out to be her off-spring. Stands to reason. I get it now. Like mother, like daughter. Continually busy, asking only for strength to get through what hours the day held. Maybe that is why she has put her health on hold. Maybe that is why she hasn't taken the time for herself, and walked the neighborhood before sunrise. Maybe she is busy gathering, sorting, organizing, preparing, for years end and the beginning of a new one, since as a solo business owner, she has to keep everything moving along. And by the onslaught of packages she's mailing out, I'm also guessing she is swamped with on-line orders in the midst of all the other busy work she must do in such a short time frame. But I have come to know her well. She'll get it done. Of this I am confident.

And then the walking will begin again. But for now, she'll be a busy girl, allowing her head to lower only when she says it can. Allowing her body to still, and regain the strength it has used up. Maybe it would help if she would begin her walks again. Today...

Thinking I just might see her on a walk-about this morning, here you will find Mary's World. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Winter's Light

Inspiration hits at different times, places, and moments. The most recent (for me) was during the Thanksgiving celebration at our first-born's house only a couple of days ago. Lindsey is a creative artist in the truest sense of the word. From the time she was a mere child, she could "see" pictures in her head that took on form so clear she could articulate needed resources to bring them to life. And, for the most part, she did just that! It didn't matter the time of year, spring, summer, fall, or winter...every 3 or so months, her room evolved from what it had been to yet another vision of hers. Always intrigued with light, she learned early on how to capture it in anything she put her hands to. She inspires me more than she realizes...

A new edition of Magnolia Journal found its way to our mailbox this week. Joanne Gains is another one that inspires me. Listen to what she had to say about seeing light. "Winter doesn't withhold light. Even though the days grow darker. Even though the ground lays bare as nature's way of reminding us to still and steady ourselves. This season still shines with strands that twinkle, candles that brighten corners and tables, rays that bounce off snow and ice. In its glow, winter reflects the beauty all around and, in doing so,  prompts us to see where light is shining between the cracks."

She goes on to say, "It's as if in winter's hustle and rest, in its quiet and merriment, we can see...each other, our stories, our days...with a kind of balanced clarity."

Like Joanna, I enjoy looking back to see what the past has to teach me. At the end of each year I always take stock of what's changed. Have I changed??? We must acknowledge where we've been before we can look to the future. Right? I understand that some of us have had painful pasts. We should never dwell too long in that time frame. We made it through, right? So now, we must examine what that taught us as we notice how the light shown through the cracks during that time. Always look for the light. It will guide our steps, literally and figuratively. 

I have often called myself an extroverted introvert. Simply meaning I love being around others for a time. But I truly need my solitude. Don't we all? Something I've come to notice, however, is that when I let others in, into my world of reflection, it becomes a fulfilling time of community. Friendship, even...

We find success, and failure; the fun, the heartbreak; times of great meaning, and times life was so lacking of anything interesting. And in it all, we find each other! We let the light in...

Hoping your Thanksgiving Day was filled with all you had hoped for, and the things you wished weren't real showed a twinkling of light through the cracks. When we allow the light in, we allow our eyes to see where we've been and where we go next. We may even rediscover some old dreams we abandoned long ago. And as Joanna Gaines says, "What if we become more than we thought we were?"

Allowing darkness to become light, here you will find Mary's World.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

A Letter to My Dennis

Dear Husband:

December 14th, 1974 was a day etched in the journals of our history. How did we get to 50 years?! I do know we have lived all these years together, but looking back, it seems not that many.

A statement I hear from time to time is: "You're so lucky you have such a good husband . . ." If I've heard this once, I've heard it a million times. Have you ever heard how "lucky" YOU are for having such a great wife? Hmmmm...

I think you will agree with me that luck has nothing to do with it.
There's nothing lucky about our marriage.
It's been a lot of hard work! Right? I really wish people would stop painting the picture of a happy marriage that doesn't come through hard work. Or a marriage that has succeeded because of only one person of the two people involved. One can't be coddled while the other sacrifices. Marriage is a unit where two become as one. Or, that's the goal, right? They always have each others back. There is no other person more important than our mate, and they need to know that.
Any couple who has a healthy, happy marriage that has lasted 10, 20, 30, or even 50 years didn't get there by luck. And ours hasn't always been happy OR healthy. Those first 10 years, or so, were pretty rocky, wouldn't you say? 😉🤣
We didn't just stay happily married from the get go.
We sacrificed.
We forgave.
We rebuilt trust that was broken.
We apologized.
We kept trying.
We got help when we felt stuck
    (Thanks, Denny & Becky...😉)
We kept dating, or at least took stabs at it occasionally. Life is busy when there's a family and money is scarce.

We got help when we were stuck. Yes, I know I've already said this, but I also know how weary you became with me, occasionally, and I do understand
    (Thanks again, and again, and again, Den & Beck...)

We made time for each other when we had come to the end of ourselves. We should have done better, but here we are. Plenty of time for each other now, wouldn't you say? 🤣🤣🤣❤️

We learned how to communicate. Boy, was THIS hard! Still, we've gotten so much better at it now that the work is almost finished. Maybe that was God's plan all along. Iron sharpening iron until nothing could harm us. Until realization hit that we always had a choice. We could withdraw, or we could work it out. We finally realized we are two completely separate people in the throws of becoming as one. Remember the days when we argued about nothing specific, but you would apologize and ask me to forgive you, even if it was an innocent thing? You never liked going to bed angry with me. Or me with you.

We cared more about our marriage than our pride. Pride was a tough one, for the both of us. Amazingly, our self-pride has now been replaced with admiration for each other, and pride BECAUSE of each other. Thanks for cheering me on during the darkest days of our marriage, especially when I needed it, and for taking the blows from my mouth that must have hurt deeply when I couldn't understand your position on any given matter.
No, there was nothing lucky about our marriage.
We worked.
We worked hard for one another.
The truth is—there is no happily ever after without the blood, the sweat, and the tears.
The truth is, you can't get to happy without going the hard way. Without self-sacrifice. Without selflessness. Without preferring the other above ourself. We are not perfect as we are. Life is a journey to be enjoyed as the kinks are worked out. Right?

I'm eternally grateful for you, DW. I'm grateful that your love for our God outweighed the messy moments. I'm grateful that He was the center of all we did, even when we weren't really listening so well. I'm grateful that God put together two people that was an unlikely match. I'm grateful He knows us better than we know ourselves, and is willing to stick by us in the great times and the growing times.
Our marriage is worth working for. Don't you agree? I wonder how many thought we would never stay together. I'm sure there was a lot of prayer going on for us. 🤣

Life has been a very intriguing, interestingly adventurous journey with you DW. And it keeps getting better and better. I can honestly say "I love you" now, with the true definition of what love is. No flippant "I love you" coming from me...

Do you remember the "Love Chapter" found in I Corinthians 13? It was read aloud as we left the wedding ceremony, some 50 YEARS AGO! It felt like a challenge to us at the time. We finally get it! Here's to our future!

Your One and Only,

There is so much more I could say about the last 50 years. So much more of the life we have lived...always together, never apart. Possibly there will be more blog posts as the months & years go by. Posts that share some of the great things you have done, my dear husband, and continue to do, for our family. Happy 50 years with me! Sainthood may be yours...

#faithfullyyours, Mary's World

Managing Brain Spasms

I'll just say it. I love to create! I love allowing ideas to swarm my neural pathways. Those of us caught "day dreaming" are actually allowing ourselves time to process all the pictures and ideas that are currently forming inside the neurons of brain cells. Dennis LOVES it when I come to him and say, "I've been thinking." He knows he's about to get hired to make those thoughts a reality. 🤣

SIDE NOTE: (thoughts that interrupt my thinking) Did you know that innovators are the ones whose dreams are clearer than the reality that tells them they're crazy? And you WILL be told you're crazy to think that thought of yours will work. I'll just add that when we are closed to ideas, what we hear is criticism. When we are open to criticism, what we get is advice. You might want to read that again...

Admittedly, I can become defensive about an idea that is coming at me like a train rushing to its destination without a lot of thought as to how one might stop this locomotion. And to be honest, I don't relish the thought that someday the play station in my head that has been happening most of my adult life, will suddenly end, leaving only a monotonous buzzing of nothingness. Possibly this is why my train gives no thought of how, or when, it must slow its roll and come to the station where no one is waiting. A bit morbid...I know. Yet, tis true...

The latest creative thought needing my Dennis' help (together is better) is adding a bit more ambiance to the salon suite that I only rent, not own. Who does that?! Putting money into a place that one doesn't own? My hand is raised. You knew it would be, right? It's just that I want, I need, my surroundings to be pleasing to the eye, as well as peaceful. These crazy brain waves (that most have) will send us all sorts of signals. Some triggering not-so-good memories, while others will put a smile on our face and hope in our heart. That is what I want for my business studio. A place where weary, world-issue-solvers can take a deep breath and have a sense of safe rest.'s time for an upgrade of sorts. Minimal, but still an upgrade of what has been. A tiny upgrade that one may not even notice, but will feel. And that's my point.

MEMO: Picture to show off my latest endeavor. Learning calligraphy. We'll see how far this goes. IT'S HARD!!! (As you can tell 🤣)

As always, here you will find Mary's World.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Footsteps That Don't Exist

It was a quiet morning, since it was just me wandering around. Up at 3:33 while most people are still snoozing. Yes, I did look at the time, first thing after my feet hit the floor. It's a habit. Yet, by the time I made it to the kitchen to start the coffee, it was 4 AM., since there are other rooms to visit before coffee. DW was still sleeping...

All of us have routines, right? Mine is to push the start button on the coffee maker, grab the powdered collagen peptides and the mushroom "coffee" (to kick the brain power in gear and the skeletal portion of my body, moving), the HumanN Super Beets (to keep the heart in sync), then to pull the other supplements out of their hiding place, just to get the day headed in the right direction. I am Super Woman! (*wink *wink). Just you wait. One day you will be her as well. Or SuperMAN, depending on who you are reading this really great post.

We all have "first thoughts" on any given day. Unless you're a man. Am I right? Just hold on, now! 😁 Every time, okay...most times, I ask my husband what he is thinking, it's alway, "Nothing." It's either a true statement, or he just doesn't feel comfortable sharing at that particular moment. So, I suppose there are exceptions to any rule. This may be one of them. You can let me know in the comment section below. Please use your punctuation skills if you want me to understand the message. It matters. Boy! Did I get off on a rabbit trail! It happens. Frequently.

Any, my first thought was, "I need to get a new devotional." That was the ONLY thought upon rising. And that is very unusual. My first thoughts are usually lyrics to a song that's been going around in my head, or a song that God just throws into the mix of all those flashing, excitable neurons, that play around in my brain. All the time. Some mornings are direct words that I believe to be from God, himself. They are usually calmly injected and to the point, unlike most thoughts that have numerous avenues to go down. Maybe today was one of those times.

This post is not about that. This post is about what happened once I arrived in the kitchen, and after gathering all the things that keep me moving. I was in the middle of adding the collagen peptides to our coffee cups (I do take care of him occasionally), when I heard D's footsteps, quieter than normal, coming down the hallway. Over the years, I've become acquainted with his stride, his shuffle, and how one foot seems to graze the hardwoods, ever so slightly, as he makes his way. They paused, just before heading into his favorite room, and settling into his massage chair. To be clear, I didn't hear the steps beyond rounding the corner to the living room. I just knew where he was heading. I know the guy.

Before pouring him a cup of wake-up, I needed to make sure he was actually in his chair and ready to proceed with the day, especially since the footsteps went oddly silent after rounding the corner. It was still dark in the house, except for a few under-counter kitchen lights. I grab the small, fit in the palm of your hand flash light, that dangles from the make-shift shelf that holds things like onions & garlic cloves, shed keys and tiny flashlights, etc.

Armed with my trusty, soft glowing flashlight in hand, I cover it with the other hand (so as not to startle him), I begin my journey to his chair. As I neared the room, I paused to listen. Nothing. No gentle humming of the chair massager, no rocking back and forth of the chair. No foot smoothing out the area in front of the chair. Spooky... I stayed in the adjoining room and flashed the light but needed to get closer. Where did that boy go? No balding head was in view and now, as I entered the room fully, no body. And now my attention is on high alert, although I wasn't skittish, like I normally would have been. Just oddly curious. 

I make my way down the hall, peering into each room as I head to ours. As I stood looking into the last room, light beaming across his side of the bed, there he was! All snuggled under the covers, as if he hadn't moved a muscle all night. So....WHO was it that clearly walked down the hall??? WHO paused at the kitchen entry, then took another step, or two, into the entry hall?

Be still, my mind. Be very still...

Clearly, I should have been a mystery in Mary's World.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Battlefield of the Mind

"Not all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path." Change is always hard if it feels like waves are slapping up against your face as you try to suck in a breath of air as the change happens.

I don't know what's ahead, what's staring me down. I don't even know if I will like it, but I'm not too messed up about it. A bit messed up, but not enough to keep me down. Not enough for me to give up on life. And certainly not enough to cause me to hide away and lick my wounds.

If you know me at all, you know I do love a good storm. This one is questionable, however. Some days the cloud formation looks ominous. Other days, they feel perfect for calming my anxiousness. The truth of this storm is unknown at the moment. Is it here to disrupt my life? Or is it here to clear my path? Is it a transitional storm, or will it be a long, drawn out, never seeming to end storm? "Oh the things you can think up, if only you try." ~Dr. Seuss 

How much of life will change? Will some of it stay the same? Or will it do a 180, so-to-speak, and when my eyes open, will my brain recognize what the eyes see? 

I've always had a very imaginative mind. One that can create scenarios that Stephen Spielberg would love to tap into. So, this may be that, and not a storm at all. Just a gust of wind that makes me want to tighten my skin a bit, to cover my head, to weep with sadness as it blows through. It will blow through. But what will the landscape look like once it does? Just how much will life demand now that it has taken a piece of my heart?

Something I have always lived by, and will pull to remembrance, from time to time, is that "This too shall pass." Some think this to be a Scripture reference, straight from the Bible. It is not. But this is: "And the God of all Grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast."  ~I Peter 5:10

So...waiting for this tear to repair, here you will find me, searching for the Mary's World.


Fear not. Do not worry about me. I am good. More than good. I am so very grateful for the life I have been given and always begin my days with gratitude that is felt deep inside my bones. My emotions are a bit whacked at the moment, but I assure you, I am well. This is but a bump in the road, and if I focus on the stretch ahead instead of at the dust gathering around my feet, this "storm" will blow on out of here. Ah...the battlefield of the mind....

Friday, November 1, 2024

I Feel Lost Without Her

I woke early this morning. That's not unusual, these days. Upon deciding I should at least try for more rest, I headed back to bed as thoughts began playing tag in my head. Review of the last few days began a panorama of floating thoughts and words spoken that I wish I could retrieve and choose differently. It's been said (more than a few times), not to dwell on the past unless you want today to lose its gift to you. Or something like that...

As tears fill my eyes, I begin to revisit the last time Gramps and I picked our girl up from school, and how that went. It was this past Monday and she wasn't in the best of moods. Something had happened that day while playing with a couple of friends. She wasn't ready to talk about it, so we didn't. Still, I wanted to help her out of the funk it had put her in, and suggested stopping for fries and a sweet tea at McDonalds, on our way home. She turned it down. First sign this was serious.

After a few minutes, I tried engaging once again, hoping to lighten the mood. Mistake number 1. One would think having this amazing creature in our lives for more years than we deserve, one would know when to just sit quietly and let her work through the emotions wrecking her sweet spirit. But...well...anyone who knows me, knows my mouth frequently forgets to listen to the brain that supplies it with wisdom. Mistake number 2.

We pulled into the parking area of where I have a small business that invites one to come in and relax, breathe easy, and enjoy some down time. It had been awhile since she visited the salon and her momma was wanting her to have a treatment on those beautiful curls that swing and bounce as she walks. I think we were both looking forward to it. But, as fate would have it, it was time for a challenge. A bump in the road. A small hill to climb over. A storm cloud hover. Second sign this was serious. And, until that was successfully solved, nothing would/could, make her happy. Except possibly her momma (I still wish for my momma, at times). This just wasn't a day for relaxing. Yet...

We decided, and she agreed, we should just head for the hills of Apex, and re-schedule salon time. I couldn't understand why her favorite person in the world, aka/me, didn't have the power to put a smile on that beautiful little face. Don't believe that last sentence. Her momma is the most favorite person in her world. I just like to daydream and pretend on occasion, and I was doing just that last Monday. Mistake number 3.

On the way home, some things were spoken that should never have been, and now the price is being paid for those misspoken, released words. They were words that might cause her to feel as though I didn't love her. That I just didn't understand. She said I didn't. And I truly didn't. Words that couldn't be erased were offered up in quiet frustration. The biggest mistake of all! And now, my heart is sick. 

I do know that love covers a multitude of sin. I hope, as young as she is, she will remember all the fun times we've had together, as she lays her head upon her pillow at night. All the laughs, the hugs, the solving of the world's problems we've shared. The backyard, fun-filled days, that I will never forget. I hope she remembers that it is she who puts the lift in my steps, the light in my eyes. Not many has the power over me that she does. A few, but not many. Maybe I hold her to too high a standard. 

So here I wait, for the next hug Mary's World.

P.S. She made us this cute little owl (her favorite creature, at the moment), for Grandparents Day at her school. Made from her own imagination...

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Shed Where Trotsy Lived


We only had about an acre of land that our humble home sat on. It was enough. Our back yard had an apple tree, a peach tree, and a persimmon tree that not only shared their beauty with us, but their fruit, as well! Most years there was an abundance. More than we could consume, so often times neighbors would stop in to gather bags of fruit for themselves. 

The Honeysuckle vines that lined our yard gave off an enticing fragrance that beckoned us to indulge in the sweet nectar that came from its blossoms. The picture you are seeing here, however, was, in the beginning, a small "play house" for our girls that later became a shed for a very important animal. It sat on the East side of our front yard (within viewing distance of my first ever business) and was never meant for the long-haul. We decorated it up with a window box positioned just beneath the fake window covering, appearing to be a protector of the window that wasn't really there. A functioning cover that could be opened and closed with ease, but we never did that, because, welllll....there was no window. I just liked the look. Clever. Right? 😁 And of course, it couldn't be complete without the old hanging shovel and pitchfork framing it. I loved this old building, once it had weathered and looked centuries old. The first (and last) building Dennis had put hard labor into building. I would tell him what was in my head, that I was certain we needed, and he would carry out my wishes to the best of his ability. That hasn't ceased over the 50 years of being married.

The old shed didn't get a lot of use, until our Meg received a gift that caused her heart to understand more fully what love really looked like. And that was the time we added an extension to the building that would be called "home" to this new found love. Must have been somewhere around 1995-96. Meg was only 11, possibly 12 years of age, at the time. The surprise gift came in the form of a horse. A very beautiful horse! More specifically, she was an Appaloosa horse that loved a good butt scratch So commanding of ones presence. And now we were faced with a challenge of where, in the small part of the world we called home, were we to put this beautiful creature. There was only one place to consider, really, and we knew it would have to be temporary at best.  Never in a million years would we expect something so...big, to take up space in our less than spacious front yard. 

Taken after Trotsy was finished with it...🤣
Beings this "pet" was a wee bit larger than the common dog, cat, hamster, or bird, she did present a dilemma. So...we asked father-in-law Denzil, and brother-in-law(s) Danny (was Jim there, too?), to help us build a fence around the East side of our yard where the shed (aka play house), stood. They added a lean-to that circled around to the back, so Trotsy would have a place to get in, out of the very cold winters we Oklahomans experienced. Rarely did a year go by that snow and ice didn't stop by for a visit and dump their contents onto us. Some years, we would wave the snow plow in, on its way into the city, just to dig our cars out from under the carport. Which, by-the-way, bent with the weight of the wet snow, as it packed itself onto its roof. Those were the years Dennis had to grab the trusty ladder and shovel some of that weight off. Nor was is uncommon for our yard to have a layer of ice spread from one end to the other during the winters chill as it blew through our part of the state. So, we did need a place to protect her from the cold as best we could. The lean-to was more of a surround-around ground-level porch, including a low step-up in which to keep her hay and grain dry. Dennis also made her a trough to eat from and we purchased a big galvanized container to water her. She was all set.

So many stories could be written about Meg's beautiful Trotsy, but not today. I only wanted to give my readers a tiny taste of what our lives were like in Oklahoma. It was our home for 39+ years. It was where God placed us, with purpose. I remember Dennis and I holding hands on the last day there, as he offered a prayer of thanksgiving for God's provision in the home he provided us to raise our treasures. Our girls. It was a bitter sweet moment, as more than a few tears were shed. But...the only constant in life is change, right? And God's love for His creation. That never changes either, and He promised me he would be wherever I found myself to be. We depended on Him then, and we depend on Him now, in the place we've called home for the last 11 years and 3 months. It's been said that home is where the heart is. And our girls, our heart, chose North Carolina when they became adults. So....

Leaning into memories of years gone by, here you will always find Mary's World.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Truth, or Dare to Believe A Lie

The title in and of itself, is such a huge topic. But only one aspect of it has peaked the activity in my brain waves this morning. There's no anxiety, just wonderings. "Why?" I ask. What causes one to not seek out truth, and all I can come up with is "fear". Fear of being wrong (the what-ifs). Fear of looking foolish. Fear of losing friends.

Fear causes one to be angry when confronted, or challenged, even in the smallest of ways. Fear always accuses those with an opposing opinion, of being "stupid" and of "spouting lies." Yep. I have experienced this, just recently, in fact. I'm pretty sure most of my readers have, as well.

For me....I prefer the pain of being seen as "stupid," to the pain of not knowing the truth. Truth shines a light in our darkness. Truth always reveals a wrong being done. Darkness hides from the truth because the light can be blinding to those of us who have lived so long in the dark. Truth is painful. Yet, truth is worth the pain...

I have been asked, "Why don't you give back what is being served to you?" My answer is simply, "There is no need for that." Why stir a pot when it's already overflowing with hatred? The battle is not ours to wage. My hope is in God, not in humanity. Humanity is flawed, even as perfect as we claim ourselves to be. We do make mistakes. God doesn't.

A spiritual battle is a given in most of our dealings. Why do I believe that? Because we all are spirit beings simply having a human experience. The body may die and decay, but the spirit lives for all of eternity. And because God purchased us back from certain death, from the evils of this world that would try to consume us, our enemy (you know him), will always try to make our lives miserable, contentious, and overwhelmed. He knows our future as well as he knows his, so all kinds of road-blocks will be thrown in our path to keep us from seeking truth. THE TRUTH, not "our truth." Which will in turn bring peace to our spirit. Regardless of the opposing accusations. Nothing will move those who rely upon the God who saves. Perfect peace in the midst of any storm belongs to those who have given up the rights to themselves. No "thick skin" needed. Just truth. THE TRUTH.

"You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free." ~John 8:32 We now belong to the One who has already conquered death. What more do we need? Words are just words. But when light is shown on them, any deception must back away.

I've never liked a dark room. Maybe this is why.

Constantly seeking the truth, here you will find Mary's World.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

This Is Us...

I've gotten to the place where scrolling back to past events, gives me a sense of belonging. One might think that a bit odd. Even strange. But, I'm here to tell ya...strange, or odd, it's heart warming. You see, I keep those interactions that give encouragement, just to remind myself that I am loved. 

I can't believe there is even one person, walking upon this earth, that doesn't need an encouraging word(s) from time to time. Am I right? We tend to forget where love resides when facing loneliness, troubling questions that roam around inside the files, and files, labeled "the What Ifs" that take up space inside that great cavern of brain cells.

Today is not one of those days, yet when I stumbled upon this exchange of love, I knew it was time to share it.

I can only imagine why I was feeling low on Jan. 8th, because I failed to actually record it in my journal. Maybe that was because the cloud lifted after these two came to their mommas rescue. Whatever the reason, can I just say that family (loving family) will always rescue?

Family should be a safe place. A place where fears and the unknown can be shared. A place where excitement about what is to come, or a place where questions that need answers can be asked. Even though we are all "a work in progress", we are perfect "for such a time as this".  Some will agree with me, others, maybe not. But that's okay, too. And if we choose to change what we are at this moment, then that change will hopefully enhance what we have already aspired to. What God has led us to...for today. The best is yet to come, right?

Family should be solid and faithful, in spite of the occasional drama. In spite of the "what was that?!" Family should be a place where forgiveness is always the go-to, and where love embraces when life throws a curve we didn't see coming.

Hold onto the amazing parts and allow the hurtful ones to melt away. 

Life truly is "breathtakingly beautiful"!

Reaching always for that which is true and faithful, here you will find Mary's World. (Oh, how I love my girls! My family!)

Friday, September 13, 2024

Husband Alert!

I'm considering getting a "Beware of Husband" sign to hang on all the entry doors of our home. It's a known fact that he and I are easy to startle. Well, at least I am. He's a bit harder to get a really good reaction out of. But last night....

Oh man! I'm finding it so HARD to type this little story in completion, because tears of laughter keep pooling up, blocking my eyesight. 🤣 It was getting late (yes, 7:30 is late for us 🙄), last evening, when I headed to our bedroom to put away some fresh washed and dried laundry. As I rounded the corner into the room, little did I know that D.W. was headed out of that dark room. He had just visited the master bathroom and had turned the lights out as he began his exit. 

All I could see was this huge form moving towards me. Y'all KNOW what happened next, right? A blood curdling scream flew forthwith out of the depths of my lungs, into the closing distance between D.W. and myself. Side Fact: For those of you who don't know him, he is one of the most laid back people I have ever met, that still walk the earth. Most usually a calm, cool, everything-will-be-okay, kind of man. I'm here to tell you I have not seen what happened next more than 2 (possibly 3) times in the whole 50 years we have been together. However, don't ask me when they happened. For all I know, maybe they've never happened at all.

Out of the darkness, I am face to face with the unknown. A hulk of a man heading my way was enough to cause a little over-the-top excitement. Once this very startled woman emitted her vocality, two large arms, one drawn back as the other took a position of defense, both with fists clenched, locked and loaded, became clear as a bellow right out of a war zone, the fighter emerged. "Aaaaaaaaahh!" was the war cry. I knew I was dead as my whole life became a movie, right before my eyes. 

I froze. And we both exploded into gales of laughter. Whew! THAT ONE WAS CLOSE!!!

As always, here (hopefully) you will find Mary's World.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Girl Who Walks - Episode 4

Where could she be? It is 7:30, right? Two hours past the usual time for her excursion around the neighborhood. My mind begins playing its games of searching out the possibilities of what could be happening. Because I've grown to really appreciate this girls determined spirit, it seems only natural that I would question when something seemed off. And because there have been days that she appeared not her usual self, I began the process of eliminating possibilities. That fast moving gait she is most known for, just hadn't been there on those days and her posture had been a bit more slumped, so of course I wondered what was happening in her world today.

I knew I must head out for work with an added burden today. I suppose she could just be feeling under the weather and chose to stay in. But even that hadn't seemed to deter her in the past, so if it were indeed the case, she must be super sick. Not knowing where she lives, I couldn't just drop in to check. Also, I don't think she is aware of my interest in her and how she has inspired me to be more than my present circumstance.

And just like that, she appears! As I inched out of my drive, I noticed a form making its way quickly down my street. I moved the car slowly so as to get a better view without being obvious that I was looking at her. I know how creepy this must sound, but it's only out of concern for this girl (who actually isn't so young so that she should be called a "girl"), and finding that I had grown accustomed to using her walk-a-bouts as proof of what time of day it was. I did a half-hand wave from the steering wheel, as I drove slowly past her. She responded in kind. Good! She's okay!

One might wonder why I care so much about this lady. She is me. A bit older than me, but me. I love seeing her determined spirit. It inspires me to be determined. I love seeing her consistency. It inspires me to be consistent. I love seeing the days where a lot seems to be on her mind. Because I have a lot on my mind some days. I love seeing her happy gait. It also inspires me. It tells me she has conquered what was weighing on her mind. That means I can do the same. 

Moral to this story? We're never alone, even though we may think we are. Humanity is basically the same in that we all have mental challenges from time to time. We all have physical difficulties from time to time. We all rejoice and see the good in most things, from time to time. We all allow ourselves to dive into an abyss from time to time. Life is complex, yet so simple, that we overlook the stability it can have, at ALL times. 

Grateful for this life, here you will find Mary's World.



Saturday, September 7, 2024

But "WHY?"

I love it when a little human keeps asking "Why?" It is the beginning of our life's journey when there are questions needing answered. But why???? Without the why, we become robotic, simply following the crowd without understanding why we are. Because someone said to do it. We must know our "why" if we want to become leaders instead of followers.

Sometimes it can become just a game to the kiddo, but it always starts with a serious need to know the "why". They may know "what" it is being asked of them. They probably know "how" to carry out what is being asked of them. But until they know and understand the "why" (other than "because I said so"), they will never be able to achieve their deep-seated purpose, cause or belief that becomes the source of their passion and inspiration in this journey we call life. We must see futuristically if we want to equip our off-spring. There will always be a "why" that needs answered. We ALL have a "why", but sadly, many never find, let alone understand, it. Because it's too easy to believe a lie...

So much of the time, parents, or whoever is watching over the small person, will become frustrated with the simple question of "why" asked over and over again. Try not to. Simply realize you may be raising the next legendary leader. It's your job to point them to their "why", without causing them to needlessly give up, never fully understanding why the action has been required of them. We DO want to equip our littles to think, to ponder, to reason. Right?

It begins simplistically. The following example is for a toddler just learning the "why", not a teen-ager who should already know the answer...if we've done our job.

EXAMPLE: "Put your dirty clothes in the hamper." "Why?" "Because they smell bad and need laundering." "Why?" "Because you played outside all day in the rain, dirt, at the playground, etc..." "Why?" "Because you needed to get some fresh air and exercise your muscles." "Why?" "Because without those things, your body becomes weak." "Why?" Just continue the answers for as long as it takes, understanding your own "why"; that possibly you are raising the next Steve Jobs, the next Martin Luther King Jr. The next Wright Brother. Without the "why", we're not able to think for ourselves.

The "what" and the "how", isn't important if I don't understand the "why".

Just to be clear, money is never the answer to why we work. Money is a result. It may be a part of the picture, but it isn't what inspires us to get out of bed in the morning. We must ask ourselves what the reason is we want the money. Is it for financial freedom? Maybe we want to travel the world. Do we long for our kids not to have the life we had growing up? Is it to keep score and show how much more we do than others? My point is money isn't the thing that drives us. WHY goes much deeper to understand what motivates and inspires us. Because it is the sole purpose, cause or belief that drives every persons career.

And it all begins as a toddler asking "why?"

Always reminding myself of the "why" my business exists, the "why" did I get out of bed this morning, and the "why" should anyone care, here you will find Mary's World.

Friday, August 30, 2024


Leaves gather. Squirrels gather. Thoughts gather. People gather. You know you've always wanted to know. What really constitutes a "gathering"? Are you a social misfit? A social wall flower? A loner? How about just an extroverted introvert? Well, that's me. If I'd have my druthers, I'd druther have as much space as possible. Don't really care for the definition of leaves gathering. Although, I do love watching them gather, and how beautiful they are when they do. I know. Gatherings can be beautiful. I also realize "having my space" sounds like a very lonely existence. But I promise you, I am far from lonely. Okay. Somedays I do have lonely feelings. But don't we all? Seriously, I would be a little concerned if all of humanity was always happy. Always fulfilled. 

So, just for fun and giggles, I looked up the definition, according to the Law Insider. I used this one because I didn't like Webster's definition. Isn't that what we're suppose to do? Just move on if we don't like an answer? That's kind of an inside joke, and those I share it with will know what I mean when saying it.

Social gathering means an assembly of 2 or more individuals for any purpose, unless all of the individuals attending the assembly are members of the same household or immediate family.

Why did I want to know? Because I gathered with another person this morning (for a moment in time), other than my tried and true mate. Just the 2 of us. I have no idea if she is of like mind as myself, but it was a pleasant interaction. It happened on my morning walk ritual. I have never seen her on any other morning, so I'm guessing she is a guest at my neighbors house. And she said she was heading to Arizona tomorrow morning. We visited for approximately 10-15 seconds and was then on our way, each heading in opposite directions. I had interacted with a stranger, a person that crossed paths with me, for more than a simple wave and an utter of "Good Morning." It was nice.

So that you might not begin to worry about me, I do have the ability to "gather" with many. Just not for long periods of time. Two hours in and I'm ready to head to familiar places. I have acknowledged to myself, and others, that I have huge trust issues. I don't play games and try to hide from truth. Some would say I'm well adjusted because of that fact. Others brows crease when they learn this fact. Anywho...

For those of you who have a hard time gathering, I hear you. Maybe we should try harder...

As always, here you will find Mary's World.

Friday, August 23, 2024

She Calls Me "Big Bootie Grams"

It began several years ago. She was staying with me, Grams, during her momma's working hours back in 2016, beginning when she was only 2 months old, through her 4th birthday. Somewhere during that time, she became an adult with the freedom that only the very young have. The freedom to speak truth. I think the term, "Big Bootie Grams" has become a nickname now. But she says it very lovingly. 🤣

Our girl has always been a very observant tyke with very keen ears with which to hear. With all that youth pent up inside her, truthful words had a tendency to fill the atmosphere whenever we were together. Especially while chatting up a storm during our afternoon ritual of swinging and solving all of our little piece of the world's problems. "Our Time" was always a refreshing time of conversation because I knew truth (as seen through a toddlers eyes) would shine its light. 

I do miss those afternoons of it being just she and I, watching nature being nature. Our feet would touch the sky as the challenges began between the very young and the not-so-young. We noticed the colors of the trees changing, the squirrels gathering nuts (and only God knows what else), the deer peeking through the wooded area just to the left of us, as birds sang their songs while flapping around in the water fountain. We shared secrets. We talked smack about Gramps and how much she loved him. We played "Tag! You're It!" We raked up mounds of freshly fallen leaves so we could run through them, just to hear the sounds they gave back to us and the universe. We examined the beauty of butterfly wings and when a white or yellow one appeared, we were sure they had come just to make us smile. On days when the heat index was a little much, we sat in our perspective swings, waiting for the breeze we knew would come suddenly. It was only a matter of time before the movement of angel wings came to cool us. We never lost those moments. We jumped from the swings and with arms stretched out from our sides, we lifted our heads and stood very still while it swirled around us. And play ensued. 

We built tiny insect houses made of gathered sticks and leaves from the yard. Nor could any home be left without a flag waving on a pole, pushed deep into the earth for stabilization. We gathered sticks and piled them up just in case the tiny creatures needed a fire. Much of the time we would also leave directions along side the path (aka our driveway), to any such home available for residency. One day we even created a safe "Monkey Trap" so the monkeys wouldn't destroy the newly built home(s). Reagan's imagination took flight as we created very important structures for homeless insects. 

There were days we spent mostly inside, as well. Those were times of so much laughter as we rose to the challenge of "Statue" creeping. In case you are wondering what in the world that is, it was a game we made up, just to pass the time of day. I would "go for a walk-about" and she would "stay where she was" until I got back. I just needed some time to think. As I began my journey, she would leave her place (quietly) and fall in behind me. Me: "What was that? I think someone must be following me." I would quickly turn to look, with eyes wide, to see who was there. But all I ever found was a really cute statue that looked soooo much like our girl, Reagan. They would be frozen in place and always different. Once I examined the "statue", I would make some comment about taking it home with me, or painting it, or laying it on the couch out of my way. Then I would move on, only to "hear another noise as if someone was following me." This game could go on indefinitely! 

Another game she loved was "Ole!" This one had me holding a tea towel as I waved it around saying, "Ole!" That was what the "bull" was waiting for and then the charge was happening. She ran as fast as she could down the galley kitchen's floor, heading for the waving white flag. This is where pretend is needed, 'cause I didn't have a red towel. It didn't matter to her. We were having fun! She would try to grab the towel as she charged through it. If she could manage to catch it, as it flowed up over her head, she won. Then Grams had to be the bull. She got way too good at this game. 😂

I love this kid so much! She's our first grand-baby, and as the years would have it, has grown now into a stunning young miss. New memories are being made, when time allows. Being in school limits our together time and makes memory catching a looked for event. But look for them, we will!

The hours spent with "Snookums", as I called her (among other things 😂), will live on in my memories for which I will be eternally grateful. I have so many endearing moments captured in my heart from those years. Meg said I was helping her, by watching over Reagan while she worked. But truth be told, it was she who was helping me. 

Big Bootie Grams, taking a stroll down memory lane, here you will find Mary's World.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Dad's Sayings That Stuck With Me

Look how small my momma was after 10 kids!!!
Yesterday, a client asked me if I missed my Dad. It was a question that came out of the blue. He had asked some questions about my childhood and as he was leaving, surprised me with this question. It now has me thinking about my response. And about my dad.

Poor Richard's Almanac was a book written by Ben Franklin, back in the 15th century. It's a book that my dad quoted from on occasion, and has a statement within its pages that says, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." My father quoted that statement frequently, especially when we siblings many, questioned the reasoning behind going to bed so early. I suppose it was his way of encouraging us. But the reality of it all was living on a farm with many mouths to feed, we had to get to bed early to acquire enough sleep to energize us throughout the next day. We rose at 4 AM to start our day at the milk barn attending to 20+ head of holstein cows. And the only "milking machines" we had was our own hands. Without going into explaining just how exhausting herding a bunch of cows was, while walking in ankle deep mud (during the summer months), and then prepping them to allow us access to their milk, I will tell you that "early to bed" was a necessity. And that was just the beginning of our day! I've followed this rule most of my life, but am still wondering when the "wealthy" part is going to kick in. 😉😉

Within those pages Franklin also wrote, "Be also ashamed to catch thyself idle." Another (almost) quote my father used often. Actually, Dad said, "Idleness is the Devil's workshop." Same, only differently said. We were reminded of this daily. I didn't really think about that one until I was much older. We just did as we were told...without question. Now that I'm an adult, working in an adult world, I really do get it!!! Idleness allows the mind to travel places that maybe it shouldn't. It's way too easy for the younger generation to fall into this abyss and that is where trouble looms. An active, work oriented person, generally keeps out of so much trouble. Not to suggest that working all the time is healthy, just that it keeps one focused on the chore at hand with no time for frivolously conjuring up something that may eventually bring one into harms path.

"Waste not, want not" was another term that was drilled into us as we tilled the soil, harvested the garden and corn fields, and sat down to the healthy meals prepared by my Mom's loving hands. I can only guess where this came from, and my guess is the fact our parents went through the great depression of 1929-1941 that ended during World War II. Mom spoke about waiting in soup lines during those hard years. Many things were rationed and one couldn't purchase just anything they wanted. Even if they had the money to do so. Which they rarely did.

I was born (the 10th child) in 1947. My brother, Rush, number 7, was born in 1941. So our parents raised 7 kids during those tremendously hard years. My mom and dad were married in 1925 and had their first child in 1926. Every 2 years another one of us popped out. I think a couple of the first four were born 3 years apart, or close to it. But the rest of our clan (8 more of us), was only 2 years apart. Mom carried 11, but lost one when she was thrown from the back of a flat-bed truck. I also think the great depression caused most families to be savers and people that repurposed items. It's equally hard for me to dispose of things I think might come in handy at a later date. As I've aged, I've gotten much better at throwing things out that haven't been used for awhile, but it takes a LOT of determination. The "what ifs" always invade my brain. 

PICTURE INFO: Left to Right, back row: Earl (Dad), Erna (Mom), Helen (first born), Melvin (second), Don (third), Ken (fourth). Front Row: Martha aka Marty (fifth), Etna (six), Rush (seventh), Rebecca aka Becky (eight), Daniel aka Dan or Danny (nineth), and little ole me, Mary (tenth). We sure did line 'em up, didn't we. 😂  It's funny that I can remember that particular skirt I had on that day. Mom had made it for the school year and it was my favorite. 

What a scrawny bunch we were! It wasn't from lack of food, so it must have been all that hard work, right? And maybe a little because our sugar was well regulated. Mom was an excellent cook and knew what we needed for the work that was in front of us. Our day-starting meal was usually made up of home-made biscuits and gravy, fried chicken and mashed potatoes. It was a hearty meal for sure, and is why we had any meat on our bones at all, I'm thinking. On occasion, Mom would bring home a bottle or two of soda pop from her monthly trip to town for staples, such as sugar, salt, and flour. We made our own butter (cows, remember). Should we ever ask for any of the soda pop (which we rarely did), she would allow a couple of swallows from a very small juice glass. And we knew not to ask for more. I think it was her personal reward for all the hard work she did to provide food for us all.

One last saying of Dads. Should (when) any of us got in the mullygrubs, he would always say, "The best is yet to come," as a smile etched itself across his face and a twinkle sparked from his eyes. That was his way of cheering us on, I suppose. Dad was a reader, when there was time for it. He was also a highly intelligent man, earning a Bachelor of Science degree while in college. His adult life consisted of a farm that supported a large family and eventually became a dairy farm as well, running a 3 generations sawmill (that eventually became 6), and ministry in the Methodist Church. He was a busy boy! As were his offspring...

These are only a few of the things Dad would inject into our day, as needed. Bible reading and prayer, was a required routine to our day, too. Morning, to start the day, and evening, as we prepared for rest to thank God for his provisions. I remember one day when my brother Danny and I weren't "on the job", Dad told us to read Psalm 119 in its entirety. He expected a run-down of the words written in that very lengthy chapter, when he got home. Having 176 verses, it is the longest chapter in the whole Bible. I'm pretty sure we didn't read them all. My memories of that day are vague, to say the least. I only remember Danny and I looking at each other with unbelief. How in the world were we to accomplish this task and be able to let Dad know what we learned from it. I think it must have been Dad's way of keeping us busy with idle body work, while engaging our brains at the same time. I have no idea how we escaped farm life that day...

As always, here you will find Mary's World

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Conquering Stress


If you know me, even just a little, you know that my brain seems to challenge me and will focus on an issue that may be affecting me or someone I love. Or those I come in contact with who are willing to share a part of their day with me. Issues can weigh hard on me if I allow them.

Much of humanity seem stressed to the max, these days. The phrase one will most often hear from a doctors office is, "You need to manage your stress levels." Personally, I don't think that's even a possible thing one can do. Maybe a better phrase would be, "You need to consider eliminating something you are now being held responsible for, that isn't imperative you do." Then, possibly, your stress levels would diminish somewhat. Still...I doubt it. There will always be something that we feel responsible for that requires maybe a little too much of our attention. And what would one eliminate anyway? If you have a family, that alone can swallow most of your day. And we certainly can't eliminate the only thing that puts food on the table. Our work is vitally important.

But, the good news is this. We CAN manage our peace of mind. That, in and of itself, will cause stress to diminish to a level we didn't think possible. Or, at the very least, not destroy our health.

Maybe the situations that happen within a 24 hour period of time can be seen as opportunities instead of obstacles. Doesn't our state of mind determine how we deal with daily happenings? I know. I know... Too many "opportunities" can be piled way too high on our backs and will cause our focus to switch back to obstacles, feeling our hands are tied and that we just can't get ahead.

Maybe we could change our perspective. Here are a few things that have helped me when I'm feeling overwhelmed, or stressed. Hopefully, they can help you, too.

1) Where did I wake up this morning? Was it in a free world, or was it in a world with severely limited resources? Also, consider the fact I DID wake up.
2) Did I wake up with a roof over my head? If I did, I have a lot to be grateful for.
3) Do I have my own transportation, aka/car or truck? Many don't.
4) Do I have employment? Many don't.

Synopsis: We've been taught to focus on what's going wrong in our part of the world (in our personal lives), instead of what's going right. I'm not saying we should stick our heads in the sand and ignore the difficulties, the facts of living life, but to choose to see the light that is all around us while we're walking through the dark.

Maybe gratitude is the answer to conquering stress...

As always, here you will find Mary's World

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Sleepless in North Carolina

I should be in bed. It's the time of the night that God created for rest. Going to bed early has its drawbacks, it would seem, but lately my body has demanded it be so. The last 3 days I have been a bit restless and not knowing why, exactly, end up hitting the sack way too early from sheer exhaustion. Maybe it's the lack of activity instead of too much activity? 🤷‍♀️

I do know this. We must find a solution for the amount of mosquitos that love our back yard, and ME! Last evening, while watering the plethora of plants under the arbor, that also has a continually running fountain (where mosquitos are NOT suppose to be because of the running water), I was attacked by 15 of those seemingly hungry blood suckers. Needless to say, I have very large, itchy, whelps up and down both arms. After washing my arms with soap and water, I smooth Cortizone Cream up and down the venomous entry ports. It helped for a while. Next attempt at relief I rub pure Rubbing Alcohol over every single bite. Now I smell horrible and my skin has the beginnings of Sahara-like dryness. 

Intense itching woke me at 1:23 AM this morning, and I have been up ever since. This has the makings of a long day, but I will find the silver lining.

After beginning a load of laundry and setting the security alarm (ahem, DW), my thoughts were to try going back to bed. Entering the kitchen, the smells of coffee waiting to be brewed, get my attention. I hesitate, but not for long. My eyes were wide open and I figured sleep was seriously off the table, still, I didn't want to wake my husband with the aroma that permeates our home when coffee is brewing. Yet, seeing the brew button in position, all that was left to do was simply press the on/off button to ON. Resistance is futile when it comes to the smells of Highlander Grogg Coffee (even before brewing). As liquid gold began its descent, I prep the coffee cup with a scoop of Collegene Peptides, 2 teaspoons of Beyond Brew Mushroom Coffee, and a pinch of Cinnamon, and wait patiently for the deliciousness to get its jam on. As I grab a fresh Cinnamon stick for stirring, I wonder if this is really coffee I'm about to drink. But...tiredness in my bones, and eyes refusing to close, here I stand, waiting for whatever this is, to ask permission to enter my body. Permission granted! Sorry D, I have a long day in front of me.

Three hours have passed since the early waking hour. The day has truly begun now that it's 4:30. Soon, the sun will light up the morning sky to declare more opportunities coming our way. Will I see them? Hopefully, the whole creation that resides within will be on high alert and not fall asleep in the middle of whatever, or whomever, is sent its way.

Heading back for another cup of joe, here you will find Mary's World. ~Colossians 4:2

Friday, July 26, 2024

Early Morning Pondering...

Photo by Sam McNamara on Unsplash
Do you have a friend who makes you laugh? Treasure them.

I like being happy as much as the next guy. But what makes me the most secure is knowing I can choose something stronger. Something that carries me when the world says I should be sad. The solidness of joy is so much better than the fluidity of happiness.

Joy and happiness are different. They are not the same thing. We cannot be happy without being joyful, but we can be joyful without being happy. Think of it this way...

1) Happiness is external; joy is internal.
2) Happiness depends on outward circumstances; joy depends on inward character.
3) Happiness depends on what happens to us; joy depends on who lives inside us.
4) Happiness is based on chance; joy is based on choice and it can't be taken away from you.

Did you know that the word "happiness" comes from an old English word "happ" which literally means "chance?" The Latin word is "fortuna," meaning "luck." So, if things happen the way we want, then we are happy. But if they don't, well then, we are unhappy. Right?

Happiness is temporary, at best. Even fickle. Joy is permanent and settled. (Side Note: It's also why one seems so peaceful in the middle of stormy parts of life. That joy is what gives inner strength.)

I knew a woman that could "see" joy everywhere she went. I think it was just a part of her inward workings. It's where her strength came from. We were close friends. One afternoon, we (DW and I) and our friends were driving home from Joplin, MO. As her husband drove, she peered out the side window and noticed a group of trees whose branches formed the word "JOY". She brought everyones attention to them. "Look at those trees! They say JOY!" she exclaimed quietly. She was the only one I knew who could "exclaim quietly." Her demeanor spoke without the need for loudness. This is a true happening. She saw them at a distance and actually got a picture of them. Three trees snuggled together with branches reaching high towards the heavens. Wish I had that picture for proof. It was as perfect as one could imagine. Crazy, and we were unprepared for it. But it spoke volumes to her.

This friend, now gone from this earth, was my laughing partner. Wherever we found ourselves to be, you could bet it wouldn't be long before we were either snickering, or down-right laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Then the throat clearing began. And more laughter. Coughing. More laughter. And on it would go for way too long.

On one occasion, we went with a group of ladies for a Women's Retreat in Branson, MO. at the Lake of the Ozarks. We found it quite interesting that we were voted on to share a room. As far away from the others as possible. That decision only served to give us fodder for more reasons to cackle. We left our mark on humanity, some would say.

I could use a get-away with her now. Missing my Jani, here you will find Mary's World.

2 Corinthians 4:7