Friday, December 6, 2024

And Then She Stopped

It's been 3 weeks now, maybe 4, since I've seen her. The light glows from her window in the wee hours before sunup. Most times the light flickers on way too early. I know because I, too, am up way too early. One should be sleeping, should be recharging, should be renewing the body at 2, 3, and 4 AM. But not her. I'm guessing the years have begun their sapping time, forcing her to retire to the bedroom before she really wants to, and in like manner, rising before she wants to.

I know this time of year can take its tole, because, as her mother once said, "There's simply not enough hours in the day." She was another hard worker! Turns out I met her many years ago (77 years and 6 months ago, to be exact). I just didn't realize our walking girl would turn out to be her off-spring. Stands to reason. I get it now. Like mother, like daughter. Continually busy, asking only for strength to get through what hours the day held. Maybe that is why she has put her health on hold. Maybe that is why she hasn't taken the time for herself, and walked the neighborhood before sunrise. Maybe she is busy gathering, sorting, organizing, preparing, for years end and the beginning of a new one, since as a solo business owner, she has to keep everything moving along. And by the onslaught of packages she's mailing out, I'm also guessing she is swamped with on-line orders in the midst of all the other busy work she must do in such a short time frame. But I have come to know her well. She'll get it done. Of this I am confident.

And then the walking will begin again. But for now, she'll be a busy girl, allowing her head to lower only when she says it can. Allowing her body to still, and regain the strength it has used up. Maybe it would help if she would begin her walks again. Today...

Thinking I just might see her on a walk-about this morning, here you will find Mary's World. 

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