Monday, July 6, 2020

Crazy Dreams...Or Are They?

The morning was about to present itself to me as I lay sleeping. The suddenness with which I awoke, told me I had just encountered a terrifying event. I had gone to a very large building, a high-rise, where my sister, Becky, was an employee. She was one of the administrators and was held in high esteem. She was dressed the part, as well. One would know right from the start that she was the one in charge.

We were up high...not sure which floor, but I'm guessing, from the looks of it, we were at least several stories up. The landing we were on, was open space with no railing to keep anyone from plummeting to their certain death. Becky walked quietly over to the edge, as if she were in deep thought about something. I didn't like her so close to the edge of the landing, so I went over to ask her to move back a bit. As soon as I got there, I spoke her name, and was about to touch her arm, when she whirled around, as if startled. As she turned, one of her feet slipped off the ledge and she fell....

I heard myself screaming for help. "Call 911!" I screamed, my heart racing, as I ran down the spiral staircase to where she had landed. It seemed forever before I could reach her. As I ran, I saw a man come up to where she was thrashing on the floor. She was saying, "Someone help me. Please help me." One of her legs was bent back, and her whole body was convulsing. The young man gathered her in his arms and tossed her body up into the air, causing it to rotate full circle, before falling into his arms. The convulsing stopped. All was well. No more pain. No more fear.

That was the end of the dream. I have lived 73 years, and from the age of 25 years, I have had spiritual dreams. I learned how to recognize those dreams, and the "mean nothing" dreams. The spiritual dreams are ALWAYS short. And I never forget them. They stick with me. The mean nothing dreams are usually very long and jump from place to place. This was a spiritual dream. But, what does it mean? 

My sister was a prisoner inside her own body. PSP had taken its grip on her. The commands came from her mind to her body, but the body refused to respond to those commands. She was rendered lifeless, yet alive. 

Why I needed the dream to assure me she was well, I don't know. Somethings, we will never understand, until we, too, go back home. The place from whence we came, the Father's home. For this dream, I believe I was shown the beauty of belonging to Him. All it takes to escape our own prison, is a simple reliance upon Him. He will make all things beautiful in His time, and it was His time for her complete healing as she entered the rest she so desperately needed from the difficulties of this earthly life. And now? She is more alive than she ever could be, here.

Continuing my journey here, this is where you'll find, in Mary's World.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

But First, Coffee

After 26 hours of sleep, with only a possible collective 2 hours of semi-alertness, I am finally fully awake. I think. It is now 11:10 PM, on a Saturday night.

I had arisen early this Saturday morning with full intentions of getting my study cleared of all non-essentials, once and for all. It was going to take most, if not all, of the day.

But first, breakfast...and coffee.

It wasn't long after, that I knew not much was going to transpire in the way of productiveness on this beautiful day. My body was dragging, my head pounding, my throat aching, my energy lacking. Back to bed I should go. The study could wait. Again...

WHY??? Why am I so lack luster? Why can't I seem to get my energy level back up? Is this the way it's going to be in quarantine? Oh are wrong! I have tried to push myself. I have tried "making" myself just "dig in and get busy". My body rebels. So, it's back to bed I go...

What you just read was typed out 3 days ago. I have no idea what was happening, but I had not felt on top of my game, so-to-speak, for a couple of weeks. At first, I thought, " I have COVID-19? But, my wiser self came through and realized since there was no fever present, it most likely was just the results of mental concern over being mandated to close the salon (for SIX weeks), and the fact it was now pollen season...with curtains of green falling all around our house, our cars, the back porch, EVERYWHERE!

I am feeling much better today. Still dealing with a bit of allergy issues, but have energy, at last!!! There is still a little work I need to do in the study, but most things have been put where they belong (in the study, at least). So much needs to be tackled while I have this time away from the salon. I could talk about the closets in this house. But I won't. Ugh!!! They are next on my list. When I feel like it. Mentally, feel like it. Have you ever known there are things waiting to be addressed, but you just don't have the fortitude to address them? That's me, at the moment.

I have wanted to sit at my computer, for months, now. I'll walk by the study, glance in, and say, "I'll get to you eventually." Just for eventually to never come. Now that eventually seems to have shown itself, I'm not really sure why I am taking this valuable time to just sit and type out random thoughts. But I'm loving it...

As I glance out the window, only the US flag, perched on the front wall of our porch, is moving. Whipping around, as if in battle. The Spring flowers are showing their beauty, the grass is greening up, and all is still. Everything is still. Eerily still. Few are actually going to work these days. Most are sticking close to home, hoping to avoid the fearless COVID-19 virus that seems to have blanketed our nation, along with all the tree pollen. Only this virus is unseen, unlike the lime green pollen. It's creepy. It's dangerous. It will attach itself to you without you even realizing it. And then it begins to choke you, until you can barely breath. How does one loosen the grip of an unseen enemy?

God gives wisdom to those who ask. I do believe our nation, divided as it may be, is praying. Asking God for His wisdom on how to fight this. Our light at the end of the tunnel? That would be our scientists, whom God has given the ability, the desire, the intellect, to find a path of safety. And eventually destroy this unseen virus with antidotes, with immunization, with dependance upon the only One who cures our diseases.

Where can one find hope in all the uncertain foreseeable future? Watch closely, as neighbors begin to walk past your house, while staying 6 feet apart, but walking in sync with each other. Listen closely, as the birds sing their forever songs, filling the atmosphere with beauty. Breathe in deeply the scents of Spring that linger long after you go inside. Taste the flavor of home cooked meals, after they've sizzled on the grill, or in the oven. Feel the gentle breezes, as they play with your hair and wrap your skin in soothing touches. Revel in the laughter of your children, as they play around your feet, begging you to join in.

As I sit here, considering all the beauty of the world, I am still, and forever will be, curious. WHY is there never any toilet paper, paper towels, or Kleenex to be found on ANY stores shelves???!!! Ugh! Where's my coffee?

Staying hopeful, here you'll find Mary's World