Monday, February 18, 2019

A Child Shall Lead Them

Recently (within the last couple of weeks), our forward thinking granddaughter began interacting with the times I speak aloud to God. Especially at nap time. Since it appears this girl is going to be a tenacious problem solver, she rarely is in the mood to take 5, or in nap time lingo, 60-120. So even prayer time can become long, as she attempts to solve the problems of nap time.
Auntie Lindsey stopped by to play

On one such occasion, after going through the rituals of book reading, dancing to music as stars and moon danced along on the ceiling, and asking Grams to "be" one (or another) toy she plays with, it was past time to lay down and quiet ourselves. Easier said than done...

She needed to "tell me something", or "I need a hug", or "I love you...hold me", or "I not ready." Some days she just starts talking about anything and everything. I'm sure there's a story she's trying to lay out for me, or maybe it's yet another ploy to keep those big, beautiful blue eyes of hers, open. On that day, I caved. There was just too much cuteness happening, and I found myself laughing uncontrollably ( my body shook). She felt it, and began laughing, and laughing, and laughing. I figured I had just eliminated nap time, so in the spirit of "I need to win this game", I lifted myself off the floor where I knelt beside her bed. Stood up, and lifted her as tiny arms flew around my neck and strong legs wrapped around my waist. She was there to stay. At least for a bit. We talked. We laughed. We made up stuff that only the other world knows. I'm pretty sure there was laughter happening in Heaven that particular day as the angles watched a little girl giving so much joy to one who used to be a little girl. A very long time ago. was time to seek instruction from a higher power. "God," I began. "What would you suggest I do with this treasure you have placed in my arms? How would you have me relax her enough to get her quieted and ready for sweet dreams?" On the heels of my prayer, her little voice reached out as her head tilted backward, with eyes looking upward. As she smiled at the ceiling, she said, "God, tell her to rub my legs. For a long time." And then she giggled. She is all of 2 years old.

Reasoning with Momma
That was a couple of weeks ago. NOW, she prays to Walter. Walter is one of her special Beat Bugs characters that is in the form of a soft plush toy she takes to bed with her. Always. Until just recently. That's another story.

Why she is calling upon the name of Walter is anybody's guess. I just say, "I pray to God. Not Walter." She then changes her prayer, and poor Walter has to take a back seat to God. She loves praying, however. I rarely have to remind her of who to pray for, anymore. She includes anyone she has ever come into contact with. I'm pretty sure Olivia (the little girl she met at Jump Street two days ago), will be in her next line of requests. It will be interesting to hear how she prays for Olivia. And, she never forgets to ask God to bless each family member at work, and usually ends her prayers with "I love you."

My prayer is that she never loses that child-like love for people. Even when she doesn't understand what is happening in her world, that she chooses to forgive. That we adults never squelch the pure, innocent spirit, that resides within her. That, like her mother, we always address her with a calmness...instead of yelling, thinking that is the only way to get her attention.

Until next time, here you will find me, listening for instructions from a child (or her mother), in Mary's World.

P.S. I love my day job.