Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Fulfillment of Creating

I'm not so much a fan of summertime, yet, I love what it produces. For the most part. I love the cool early morning breezes, blooming flowers, lush vines and other bushy plants. I don't love the insects...the wasp, spider and snake. I still haven't figured out the purpose of these critters. Maybe they were created to show us differences. Varmits to bring clarity to just how wonderful the opposite is. Understanding that if all were perfect, we wouldn't know it, for lack of something to compare it to. Bringing life from sub-standard mediocrity, to a role of clear choices. Whatever their purpose, they have my attention and I will always be on the look-out for them, so that I won't fall prey.

One of my favorite things is the time of the earth being renewed by the onset of springtime, that rolls into Summer. Coming out of the very low temperatures of Winter (which I love), and into rain that softens the earth so that seeds may spring into life once again...producing green where once was seeming death. We clean up our yards and purchase plants and flowers to dress up the chorus that Spring asks for. Oh how I love it!

Over the years I have come to respect beauty. Yes, we must endure the storms that wreck havoc with our own pieces of the planet. It really doesn't belong to us, we just take ownership as if it did. And that's okay. God gives us opportunities to show ourselves what we are made of. He already knows...He just wants us to know. So we are given stewardship over his earth. Each of us has our own "little world" to care for. And I love mine! However, should it be taken from me, or should I give it up willingly, I know God will allow me another piece of His earth to care for. And I know that involves whatever my hands find to do. When He created, He said, "It is good."

Don't you just love making something beautiful out of things not so beautiful?  Putting your "touch" (my I like to call it) to an existing piece of property, just does it for me! I love creating! And I have found that my husband of 36+ years, does also. He just has to have a little coaxing from time to time. But something else I've noticed, is that as the years sweep past us, he needs less and less coaxing. =}  When left alone, he comes up with some really great stuff!

Well, time to go make something beautiful out of my long neglected refrigerator/freezer. You know it's time when you have to move things around to close the door. How it gets that way I cannot figure out! When I clean, I organize. Top shelf is for sandwich add-ons ONLY, (includes soft drinks). Second shelf, right side, is dairy (cottage cheese, dips, sour cream, butter)...left side, sauces ONLY. Third shelf for jellies and small unexpected refrigerated items ONLY. Fourth shelf, neatly stacked left-overs (and bagged coffee) ONLY. I think we have someone living here that instead of pulling the shelf out where he can see what's in the back, simply moves the front items to another shelf. And there you have it...

Until next will find me creating (or re-creating) in Mary's World!