Saturday, January 7, 2017

Why I Chose to be Called Grams

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." ~William Shakespeare

I think it matters not so much, as to what we call our grandmotherly selves, we'll still smell the same. That could be a good thing, or a not-so-good thing. Ha!

Not that many months ago, possibly 9 or 10, I was asked what I'd like to be called by our first grandchild. I really had no preference. All I cared about was that MY baby, was going to have a baby, causing my status to change just a bit and inevitably be reminded that years were flying by way too fast. All I could think of was that I seriously hoped God would bestow more years than I expected, so that the little person about to enter our realm of existence would know and love her grandma.

Creativity in choosing a name outside of my original name, is not a strong point I possess. As I began filtering the over-used Grandma, Granny, Gran, and Nana titles, I decided none of those really fit my personality anyway. Why I thought about our girls, and what they are generally called by their friends, I really couldn't say. But I did. Lindsey is called "Linds". Meghan is known as "Megs". I figured Lindsey's name was just shortened, but when I asked her (some years ago) why she called her sister "Megs" instead of "Meg", her answer was so interesting to me that it pushed the creative mind to the forefront. At least I thought so. I really did love it, even though I don't call her "Megs"...she's always been Meghan to me. Or Meg.

ANYWAY...that is how I decided on Grams. Not Gram. Grams. Yes, I am aware that I'm not more than one person and I do realize the use of an "s" means I must be talking about something Gram owns, or there is at least two of me. But, come now. This is the 21st century and many words in the English language mean something totally different than when I was growing up, somewhere way back in the 20th century. Right? Everything is acceptable, or if it isn't, we don't care. Truth be told, I was almost afraid to talk when I first moved to North Carolina (total culture shock compared to where I came from) for fear of saying some embarrassing thing without realizing it. But, Grams is a pretty safe word. As far as I know.

Now...when Reagan begins real talk, who knows what she'll call me. It may be something I, nor anyone else, would have thought of in a million years. But seeing as how incredibly smart that girl is, she may blurt it right out and surprise the socks off us all (I may expect a little too much). One thing is for sure. I will love whatever she chooses to call me, because it will set me apart. Special person that I am. Grams is just a starting point for her to consider.

Now you know. And until Reagan begins speaking English, here you'll find me, known as Grams (with an s), in Mary's World.