Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Girl Who Walks - Episode 4

Where could she be? It is 7:30, right? Two hours past the usual time for her excursion around the neighborhood. My mind begins playing its games of searching out the possibilities of what could be happening. Because I've grown to really appreciate this girls determined spirit, it seems only natural that I would question when something seemed off. And because there have been days that she appeared not her usual self, I began the process of eliminating possibilities. That fast moving gait she is most known for, just hadn't been there on those days and her posture had been a bit more slumped, so of course I wondered what was happening in her world today.

I knew I must head out for work with an added burden today. I suppose she could just be feeling under the weather and chose to stay in. But even that hadn't seemed to deter her in the past, so if it were indeed the case, she must be super sick. Not knowing where she lives, I couldn't just drop in to check. Also, I don't think she is aware of my interest in her and how she has inspired me to be more than my present circumstance.

And just like that, she appears! As I inched out of my drive, I noticed a form making its way quickly down my street. I moved the car slowly so as to get a better view without being obvious that I was looking at her. I know how creepy this must sound, but it's only out of concern for this girl (who actually isn't so young so that she should be called a "girl"), and finding that I had grown accustomed to using her walk-a-bouts as proof of what time of day it was. I did a half-hand wave from the steering wheel, as I drove slowly past her. She responded in kind. Good! She's okay!

One might wonder why I care so much about this lady. She is me. A bit older than me, but me. I love seeing her determined spirit. It inspires me to be determined. I love seeing her consistency. It inspires me to be consistent. I love seeing the days where a lot seems to be on her mind. Because I have a lot on my mind some days. I love seeing her happy gait. It also inspires me. It tells me she has conquered what was weighing on her mind. That means I can do the same. 

Moral to this story? We're never alone, even though we may think we are. Humanity is basically the same in that we all have mental challenges from time to time. We all have physical difficulties from time to time. We all rejoice and see the good in most things, from time to time. We all allow ourselves to dive into an abyss from time to time. Life is complex, yet so simple, that we overlook the stability it can have, at ALL times. 

Grateful for this life, here you will find Mary's World.



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