Friday, September 13, 2024

Husband Alert!

I'm considering getting a "Beware of Husband" sign to hang on all the entry doors of our home. It's a known fact that he and I are easy to startle. Well, at least I am. He's a bit harder to get a really good reaction out of. But last night....

Oh man! I'm finding it so HARD to type this little story in completion, because tears of laughter keep pooling up, blocking my eyesight. 🤣 It was getting late (yes, 7:30 is late for us 🙄), last evening, when I headed to our bedroom to put away some fresh washed and dried laundry. As I rounded the corner into the room, little did I know that D.W. was headed out of that dark room. He had just visited the master bathroom and had turned the lights out as he began his exit. 

All I could see was this huge form moving towards me. Y'all KNOW what happened next, right? A blood curdling scream flew forthwith out of the depths of my lungs, into the closing distance between D.W. and myself. Side Fact: For those of you who don't know him, he is one of the most laid back people I have ever met, that still walk the earth. Most usually a calm, cool, everything-will-be-okay, kind of man. I'm here to tell you I have not seen what happened next more than 2 (possibly 3) times in the whole 50 years we have been together. However, don't ask me when they happened. For all I know, maybe they've never happened at all.

Out of the darkness, I am face to face with the unknown. A hulk of a man heading my way was enough to cause a little over-the-top excitement. Once this very startled woman emitted her vocality, two large arms, one drawn back as the other took a position of defense, both with fists clenched, locked and loaded, became clear as a bellow right out of a war zone, the fighter emerged. "Aaaaaaaaahh!" was the war cry. I knew I was dead as my whole life became a movie, right before my eyes. 

I froze. And we both exploded into gales of laughter. Whew! THAT ONE WAS CLOSE!!!

As always, here (hopefully) you will find Mary's World.


  1. Ha, your description is great! And knowing both of you so well makes it even funnier.
    Sounds like a heart stopper that has the potential of driving out all future fears! 😂

    1. I would love to know who you are. I enjoy reading comments from the posts, so now, my curiosity (and imagination) is stirred. 😂

  2. Oh, I love it! That's too funny! I can just picture that scene. I've heard your scream of fright before!

    1. Another anonymous! Okay. Who in my life knows my screams of fright??? Hmmmm... It's gotta be one of my girls. But which one?
