Saturday, September 7, 2024

But "WHY?"

I love it when a little human keeps asking "Why?" It is the beginning of our life's journey when there are questions needing answered. But why???? Without the why, we become robotic, simply following the crowd without understanding why we are. Because someone said to do it. We must know our "why" if we want to become leaders instead of followers.

Sometimes it can become just a game to the kiddo, but it always starts with a serious need to know the "why". They may know "what" it is being asked of them. They probably know "how" to carry out what is being asked of them. But until they know and understand the "why" (other than "because I said so"), they will never be able to achieve their deep-seated purpose, cause or belief that becomes the source of their passion and inspiration in this journey we call life. We must see futuristically if we want to equip our off-spring. There will always be a "why" that needs answered. We ALL have a "why", but sadly, many never find, let alone understand, it. Because it's too easy to believe a lie...

So much of the time, parents, or whoever is watching over the small person, will become frustrated with the simple question of "why" asked over and over again. Try not to. Simply realize you may be raising the next legendary leader. It's your job to point them to their "why", without causing them to needlessly give up, never fully understanding why the action has been required of them. We DO want to equip our littles to think, to ponder, to reason. Right?

It begins simplistically. The following example is for a toddler just learning the "why", not a teen-ager who should already know the answer...if we've done our job.

EXAMPLE: "Put your dirty clothes in the hamper." "Why?" "Because they smell bad and need laundering." "Why?" "Because you played outside all day in the rain, dirt, at the playground, etc..." "Why?" "Because you needed to get some fresh air and exercise your muscles." "Why?" "Because without those things, your body becomes weak." "Why?" Just continue the answers for as long as it takes, understanding your own "why"; that possibly you are raising the next Steve Jobs, the next Martin Luther King Jr. The next Wright Brother. Without the "why", we're not able to think for ourselves.

The "what" and the "how", isn't important if I don't understand the "why".

Just to be clear, money is never the answer to why we work. Money is a result. It may be a part of the picture, but it isn't what inspires us to get out of bed in the morning. We must ask ourselves what the reason is we want the money. Is it for financial freedom? Maybe we want to travel the world. Do we long for our kids not to have the life we had growing up? Is it to keep score and show how much more we do than others? My point is money isn't the thing that drives us. WHY goes much deeper to understand what motivates and inspires us. Because it is the sole purpose, cause or belief that drives every persons career.

And it all begins as a toddler asking "why?"

Always reminding myself of the "why" my business exists, the "why" did I get out of bed this morning, and the "why" should anyone care, here you will find Mary's World.

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