Friday, August 30, 2024


Leaves gather. Squirrels gather. Thoughts gather. People gather. You know you've always wanted to know. What really constitutes a "gathering"? Are you a social misfit? A social wall flower? A loner? How about just an extroverted introvert? Well, that's me. If I'd have my druthers, I'd druther have as much space as possible. Don't really care for the definition of leaves gathering. Although, I do love watching them gather, and how beautiful they are when they do. I know. Gatherings can be beautiful. I also realize "having my space" sounds like a very lonely existence. But I promise you, I am far from lonely. Okay. Somedays I do have lonely feelings. But don't we all? Seriously, I would be a little concerned if all of humanity was always happy. Always fulfilled. 

So, just for fun and giggles, I looked up the definition, according to the Law Insider. I used this one because I didn't like Webster's definition. Isn't that what we're suppose to do? Just move on if we don't like an answer? That's kind of an inside joke, and those I share it with will know what I mean when saying it.

Social gathering means an assembly of 2 or more individuals for any purpose, unless all of the individuals attending the assembly are members of the same household or immediate family.

Why did I want to know? Because I gathered with another person this morning (for a moment in time), other than my tried and true mate. Just the 2 of us. I have no idea if she is of like mind as myself, but it was a pleasant interaction. It happened on my morning walk ritual. I have never seen her on any other morning, so I'm guessing she is a guest at my neighbors house. And she said she was heading to Arizona tomorrow morning. We visited for approximately 10-15 seconds and was then on our way, each heading in opposite directions. I had interacted with a stranger, a person that crossed paths with me, for more than a simple wave and an utter of "Good Morning." It was nice.

So that you might not begin to worry about me, I do have the ability to "gather" with many. Just not for long periods of time. Two hours in and I'm ready to head to familiar places. I have acknowledged to myself, and others, that I have huge trust issues. I don't play games and try to hide from truth. Some would say I'm well adjusted because of that fact. Others brows crease when they learn this fact. Anywho...

For those of you who have a hard time gathering, I hear you. Maybe we should try harder...

As always, here you will find Mary's World.

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