Saturday, August 3, 2024

Sleepless in North Carolina

I should be in bed. It's the time of the night that God created for rest. Going to bed early has its drawbacks, it would seem, but lately my body has demanded it be so. The last 3 days I have been a bit restless and not knowing why, exactly, end up hitting the sack way too early from sheer exhaustion. Maybe it's the lack of activity instead of too much activity? 🤷‍♀️

I do know this. We must find a solution for the amount of mosquitos that love our back yard, and ME! Last evening, while watering the plethora of plants under the arbor, that also has a continually running fountain (where mosquitos are NOT suppose to be because of the running water), I was attacked by 15 of those seemingly hungry blood suckers. Needless to say, I have very large, itchy, whelps up and down both arms. After washing my arms with soap and water, I smooth Cortizone Cream up and down the venomous entry ports. It helped for a while. Next attempt at relief I rub pure Rubbing Alcohol over every single bite. Now I smell horrible and my skin has the beginnings of Sahara-like dryness. 

Intense itching woke me at 1:23 AM this morning, and I have been up ever since. This has the makings of a long day, but I will find the silver lining.

After beginning a load of laundry and setting the security alarm (ahem, DW), my thoughts were to try going back to bed. Entering the kitchen, the smells of coffee waiting to be brewed, get my attention. I hesitate, but not for long. My eyes were wide open and I figured sleep was seriously off the table, still, I didn't want to wake my husband with the aroma that permeates our home when coffee is brewing. Yet, seeing the brew button in position, all that was left to do was simply press the on/off button to ON. Resistance is futile when it comes to the smells of Highlander Grogg Coffee (even before brewing). As liquid gold began its descent, I prep the coffee cup with a scoop of Collegene Peptides, 2 teaspoons of Beyond Brew Mushroom Coffee, and a pinch of Cinnamon, and wait patiently for the deliciousness to get its jam on. As I grab a fresh Cinnamon stick for stirring, I wonder if this is really coffee I'm about to drink. But...tiredness in my bones, and eyes refusing to close, here I stand, waiting for whatever this is, to ask permission to enter my body. Permission granted! Sorry D, I have a long day in front of me.

Three hours have passed since the early waking hour. The day has truly begun now that it's 4:30. Soon, the sun will light up the morning sky to declare more opportunities coming our way. Will I see them? Hopefully, the whole creation that resides within will be on high alert and not fall asleep in the middle of whatever, or whomever, is sent its way.

Heading back for another cup of joe, here you will find Mary's World. ~Colossians 4:2

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