Friday, July 26, 2024

Early Morning Pondering...

Photo by Sam McNamara on Unsplash
Do you have a friend who makes you laugh? Treasure them.

I like being happy as much as the next guy. But what makes me the most secure is knowing I can choose something stronger. Something that carries me when the world says I should be sad. The solidness of joy is so much better than the fluidity of happiness.

Joy and happiness are different. They are not the same thing. We cannot be happy without being joyful, but we can be joyful without being happy. Think of it this way...

1) Happiness is external; joy is internal.
2) Happiness depends on outward circumstances; joy depends on inward character.
3) Happiness depends on what happens to us; joy depends on who lives inside us.
4) Happiness is based on chance; joy is based on choice and it can't be taken away from you.

Did you know that the word "happiness" comes from an old English word "happ" which literally means "chance?" The Latin word is "fortuna," meaning "luck." So, if things happen the way we want, then we are happy. But if they don't, well then, we are unhappy. Right?

Happiness is temporary, at best. Even fickle. Joy is permanent and settled. (Side Note: It's also why one seems so peaceful in the middle of stormy parts of life. That joy is what gives inner strength.)

I knew a woman that could "see" joy everywhere she went. I think it was just a part of her inward workings. It's where her strength came from. We were close friends. One afternoon, we (DW and I) and our friends were driving home from Joplin, MO. As her husband drove, she peered out the side window and noticed a group of trees whose branches formed the word "JOY". She brought everyones attention to them. "Look at those trees! They say JOY!" she exclaimed quietly. She was the only one I knew who could "exclaim quietly." Her demeanor spoke without the need for loudness. This is a true happening. She saw them at a distance and actually got a picture of them. Three trees snuggled together with branches reaching high towards the heavens. Wish I had that picture for proof. It was as perfect as one could imagine. Crazy, and we were unprepared for it. But it spoke volumes to her.

This friend, now gone from this earth, was my laughing partner. Wherever we found ourselves to be, you could bet it wouldn't be long before we were either snickering, or down-right laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Then the throat clearing began. And more laughter. Coughing. More laughter. And on it would go for way too long.

On one occasion, we went with a group of ladies for a Women's Retreat in Branson, MO. at the Lake of the Ozarks. We found it quite interesting that we were voted on to share a room. As far away from the others as possible. That decision only served to give us fodder for more reasons to cackle. We left our mark on humanity, some would say.

I could use a get-away with her now. Missing my Jani, here you will find Mary's World.

2 Corinthians 4:7

1 comment:

  1. I so remember the hilarious occurrences when you two were together ❤️ I miss having both of you around!
