Friday, July 19, 2024

My Last Nerve...Whatever That Means

When did I become so impatient? Have I always been this way? I thought just being a mom would develop at least a little bit of patience. Maybe I was wrong.

This past Wednesday we had a state-of-the-art refrigerator freezer combo that cost a bazillion dollars, delivered to us because our 11 year + one seemed to have one leg in the grave and the other on a banana peel. It had started the process of expelling water in an uncomely manner, leaving puddles on our wooden floor. We had done everything the internet told us to do 'cause we trust the internet. Nothing worked like they said it would, so a changing-of-the-rag had to be applied. Daily.

Long (very long) story short, once the changing of the guard had happened, and the new kid on the block had begun to cool, I found myself getting the products (that had been sitting in the cooler for 3.5 hours) arranged inside their fancy new home. I was waiting to put the frozen items away because, well, because the freezer wasn't cooling down, let alone freezing! All surfaces felt hot to the touch. Even the outside of the unit felt hot, except for the top part which was the refrigerator part. And it felt downright cold!

Antsy me, put in a call to the powers that be. And they shot me down. Nothing they could do. They didn't schedule "repair jobs" on the same day something was delivered. I could bring the fridge back to the store and purchase another one, if I wanted, he said. "Why would I want to do THAT?!" I asked. "I just paid $XXXX for this one and it's not working. Why should I think another one would be any better? And besides that, it took TWO WEEKS to get this one after the order was put in." All he could say was, "I understand." "Do you?" I inquired. "Maybe the store would want to buy my frozen items that  cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $300, because they are about to go bad on me," said I. "Doesn't it stand to reason that a NEW fridge would actually work?" Again, all he could say was, "I understand." I think he was scared of me...

I decided to have Dennis take care of the matter because my neck was sweating. He's always so calm and laid back and believes everything will be okay. No matter how dire. "It will be okay, Mary. I'll take care of it after work." In about 3 minutes, I get a text message. "Get me the number for their corporate offices. They've made me mad." This was getting interesting. DENNIS was mad???! 

Just for fun, I pulled out the instruction booklet the delivery guys had left with me. The fridge has so many exciting facets to it, it practically hands us a glass of cold water before we ask. So I thought maybe there was a secret button that hadn't been turned on, or something, even though the delivery guy said I could start loading it immediately because it would be cooled down in nothing flat. 

Hmmmm...what's this? "Freezer compartment could take up to 24 hours to chill." I quietly laid the manual down and walked away.

Then, today while sitting at a red light that is known to turn green for 3 seconds, then back to red, my little Soul Red Mazda idled quietly behind a little fancy smancy Audi, both waiting patiently for their turn to gun it through the intersection before the light turned red again. Maybe if they both stayed alert it could be done. I was really hoping the owner of the Audi was paying attention because I was needing to get to the salon ahead of my client. And all it would take for me to lose another 15 minutes waiting for the light to turn green again, would be for the little Audi to be primping for all the BMW's, the Toyota 4Runner's, and the Mercedes Benz Coupes that were strutting by.  I knew it was going to happen. And it did. "GREEN LIGHT, LADY! GREEN LIGHT!" It could have been a guy behind the wheel of that fancy little Audi for all I knew. It's just easier to blame the ladies. Whoever was at the helm, just sat there letting the clock tick. I'm usually not so impatient, but I "lightly" tapped my horn. GET THE MOVE ON, LADY! GO!!! As the light was turning back to red, the Audi pulled out, leaving me to sit for another 15 minutes. But at least I was first in line for the next green light. My fingers gave the steering wheel a deep tissue massage...

Patience is over-rated. Nothing gets done without a bit of irritation. Becoming annoyed helps the body to pump blood and oxygen through cholesterol filled vessels and force them to organs in need. Right?

Waiting for the light on Kildaire and Cornwall to turn green, here you will find Mary's World. 

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