Tuesday, October 1, 2024

This Is Us...

I've gotten to the place where scrolling back to past events, gives me a sense of belonging. One might think that a bit odd. Even strange. But, I'm here to tell ya...strange, or odd, it's heart warming. You see, I keep those interactions that give encouragement, just to remind myself that I am loved. 

I can't believe there is even one person, walking upon this earth, that doesn't need an encouraging word(s) from time to time. Am I right? We tend to forget where love resides when facing loneliness, troubling questions that roam around inside the files, and files, labeled "the What Ifs" that take up space inside that great cavern of brain cells.

Today is not one of those days, yet when I stumbled upon this exchange of love, I knew it was time to share it.

I can only imagine why I was feeling low on Jan. 8th, because I failed to actually record it in my journal. Maybe that was because the cloud lifted after these two came to their mommas rescue. Whatever the reason, can I just say that family (loving family) will always rescue?

Family should be a safe place. A place where fears and the unknown can be shared. A place where excitement about what is to come, or a place where questions that need answers can be asked. Even though we are all "a work in progress", we are perfect "for such a time as this".  Some will agree with me, others, maybe not. But that's okay, too. And if we choose to change what we are at this moment, then that change will hopefully enhance what we have already aspired to. What God has led us to...for today. The best is yet to come, right?

Family should be solid and faithful, in spite of the occasional drama. In spite of the "what was that?!" Family should be a place where forgiveness is always the go-to, and where love embraces when life throws a curve we didn't see coming.

Hold onto the amazing parts and allow the hurtful ones to melt away. 

Life truly is "breathtakingly beautiful"!

Reaching always for that which is true and faithful, here you will find me...in Mary's World. (Oh, how I love my girls! My family!)

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