I looked up the definition of "needy" this evening. Actually just now. As thoughts of the day whirled around in my head, I decided I couldn't lay my head down for a good nights rest until I understood completely this definition. From the New World Dictionary, this is what I found. need.y characterized by need; not having enough to live on; very poor. In The New Roget's Thesaurus in Dictionary Form, this is what I found. needy: poor, down-and-out, beggared, destitute (POVERTY).
Really? Is it somehow a wrong or bad thing to be needy? We, the human race, have on many occassions looked down on those that are needy. But the question I'm asking myself tonight is this...how does a person GET into a position of being needy? Have they not tried hard enough? Do they not believe in themselves enough to attain to higher goals? Is it a fluke of fate? Destiny? Or just plain desire not being met? Quite frankly, I don't know! Better yet, why are some people viewed as "needy" when they actually have a very blessed life? Do they portray needyness by feelings of unmet needs? What makes these type of people need recognition? I know when the physical body is lacking in an area, it responds with leg cramps, anemia, hair loss, and various other disorders because the thing that makes the body healthy is missing. So, is it the same with "needy" people? And if it is, why do we not respond to that issue with confirmation of whatever it is they are lacking?
One of my sisters used to tell me that I had a need of being seen. Really? Where did that need come from...and is it even true? She was a pretty insightful lady. I thought about that for a long time and decided she was wrong. I don't want to be seen...I would rather hide much of the time. However, it really does feel good to receive compliments or affirmation of importance. Is that a wrong feeling? Does not the whole of mankind need to know they are loved...not necessarily with words (but maybe with words). I know I am loved...no doubt about it. But how do I SHOW love for others? I know of one person in particular that I don't like talking to on the phone because, in my opinion, she is very needy. Spiritually speaking. Most people I LOVE talking to that is needy, because I think I have something to share with them that could get them past that. But try as I might, this person listens and never follows through. This has been going on for at least 15 years. I think I may have lost the desire to help because even though she hears what I say, she never disciplines herself to obey and it throws her right back into needyness. Well, I'm off the inital reason for looking up the word.
So...what makes us (mankind) needy?
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