Saturday, March 27, 2010

MY Time

A couple of years ago, while visiting with our girls in North Carolina, they took us to one of their favorite haunts. Can't remember the name of the business, but it was a place that changed me forever. It was instant addiction! Upon returning to Oklahoma, I knew I had to find a similar place that would serve or meet my needs in that particular arena of life. I have tried several places and still have not found the "perfect" place.

This morning, I am preparing to visit yet another similar business, although closed for today, is willing to show me what they have to satisfy my addiction. I'm hoping THIS is the place...because this addiction pulls at me on a monthly basis and during the summer time, I would be very happy with twice a month! (If I can find the time). Of course as with any addiction, I suppose I would TAKE the time needed if I REALLY was addicted. But I really do crave it at times, even if I can't find the time to satisfy that "need".

The addiction? PEDICURES!!! OMG! Done with correct procedures, they are just about the best thing ever. (I said "just about") Very much worth the time and money spent.

The place I'm heading today? SOUTH SIDE SALON!!! I can do that, you see, because I OWN South Side. =} Lucky me! Since I've not been able to find the "perfect" place, I decided to create an area in my own salon and train those that work with me to do it properly with precision, passion and patience. It will be a work in progress as I research the best products to use and the very best techniques. One thing I've already learned is that the "throne" type chairs as wonderful as they are, are not necessary for the best pedicure in town and they have many problems with the rollers in the backs of the chairs. So, I'm hoping my decision to purchase a vibrating, with heat (if needed), chair...will solve that problem. The motor is much less expensive and has a much longer life. I tried it out the other day. Guess where most of my long days will the chair, with low lighting and possibly a cup of Coffee Masters cocoa or Chia Tea! Ahhhh...just thinking about it relaxes me!

Nicole and I are giving each other pedis this a.m. just to tweak our service to the public and each other. We are always in training...never ceasing to learn new and better ways to serve the public!

I have a "mile long" list of products to pick up this week-end; hoping some of the things needed, that has been ordered, will now be in stock for me.

Those of you reading this blog...if you've never had a pedicure or are anxious to get "back in the chair", now is the time to experience a relaxing get-away, and give back to the feet that serve YOU on a daily basis!

See you there!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

For the last few days, I have been trying to collect my thoughts and put them in some sort of general focus. Things just sort of flit from item to item, not sticking around long enough to solidify any particular event or strategy. Many things should be pondered longer than I've given opportunity.

I'm down to the wire now on providing another restful and therapeutic experience for my clientele and still have a good 12 hours of shopping for, and organizing, the Foot Spa area. From time to time I get "an idea" to better the business. And most usually it takes me down a very long road of thought and expense. But I love it!!! I've always enjoyed being stretched, even though it can become stressful at times. I hate it when my mind can't seem to complete a thought without fliting to yet another thing that needs completed. Focus, Mary, focus!

It's much like cleaning house for a very special guest. Like the visit we had from a young man from North Carolina. He called and said he would be here in two weeks. What??? How can I get the house in order in two weeks? But of course I was thinking of everything that HAD to be done before he saw it. He was coming to ask for our daughters hand in marriage. I just couldn't let him see where the love of his life grew up without it being the very best it could be. Well...that's the way I am about most things. The shop included. So, it's hard to focus on just one area at a time because I see everything that has to be done. I said it was hard...not impossible.

Life can certainly have it's challenges. It's how we meet those challenges that matter. I had a sister that now resides "wherever she wants to" that often said, "this too, shall pass." She was right. With that revelation, I decided a long time ago that nothing is worth fretting over for too long. Having a "bad" day? It'll be over before you know it. Don't particularly like the weather? It'll be over before you know it.

My dad used to say to me, "you're wishing your life away", when I just couldn't hardly wait to be 18. Then when I turned 20, life began to shift into second gear and, wow! it's now 43 years later. Where did all that time go? I lived it, right? Why can't I remember most of it?'s simply amazing.

So...what I used to keep in my thoughts, now have to be written on paper, just so I won't forget what exactly it was that had to be done next. Problem is I can't find those little pieces of paper I jotted those instructions to myself, down on. So I purchase a daily reminder book. That's nice. I think it's helping actually. Cross your fingers. Does that really work? Who came up with that? Cross your fingers. What???

Well, these are only a few of my thoughts this evening. There are days that my world spins faster than others. I really think God must be up there (somewhere) twirling the earth faster and faster and making us think there really are 24 hours in a day. Seems more like maybe 12. Maybe. I saw this clock at the service desk in Wal-Mart one day. It didn't have the tick, tick, tick, that normal clocks have. The second hand was in a continual motion. No tick, tick, tick. Just swiiissshhh. Weird. I looked at my watch to see if it was really keeping time. Yup. Boy...did that bring things into perspective.

See!? Focus...focus!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

When I'm home, I spend much of my time in our study. That's where all our reading material is. And that's where this handy, dandy computer is. Because of the book infested room, I also have a room diffuser filled with Nature's Spa scent and a wine glass with a Cabernet candle. Some time ago, my candle became all used up, so I brought another from the shop, where I sell that particular fragrance. Only this one had been delivered to me in a broken glass. I couldn't bear to throw it away, because the candle was perfectly fine, so I brought it home to use in the office/study. didn't fit the previous wine glass because the curve of the glass gets narrower at the top. (Just didn't think of that) So it has sat with it's bottom wedged in the top of the glass so I could burn it.

I've looked at that poor thing every time I sit at the computer desk, and have wished there was a way I could get that candle in it's proper place. Well, this morning a revelation hit me. "Why don't you slice the candle in little pieces and settle the wick down at the bottom center." I think it just might work! Well, as I began slicing, the Lord began speaking to my heart, (thus the picture of a work in progress).

This is what "settled" in my spirit:
As we sit all pretty atop the vessel waiting to consume us, the surroundings take away our fragrance so much so you can't really tell what sort of fragrance we are unless you get close enough to "smell us out". BUT, when a fire is lit in the middle of us, our fragrance fills a room and all who enter can tell who we are, because of the type of fragrance we are putting off. It gets God whittles away at us (because we are full of ourselves-not able to be full of Him), we are gradually dropped into His wine glass. He is whittling away at the things that keep us from being fully immersed in His love. Once we are are "whittled up" and laying (resting) in His wine glass, we can once again be lit from within the place we were always meant to be and the fragrance is not only fragrant, but beautiful in its rightful place. WOW! All I can say at this point is...SELAH!

Little did I know that back in 2008 God would use a damaged candle to speak understanding to me. Matthew 9:17 says this..."Nor do men put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wineskins burst, and the wine pours out, and the wineskins are ruined; but they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved." Selah.

Something I learned during the whittling process was that the closer I got to the core (the wick) the more flexible it became. But I didn't want to damage the very thing that I could use to light it back up and release the fragrance once again. I believe that God preserves the personality (our wick)He created us with, so that we could walk in the completeness He desired for us from the beginning, once we are connected fully with Him. The effects of the world (without God being in the center) have taken the full fragrance of our lives away. But once we invite Him to be the One who is in charge of our life, He will whittle away (sometimes painful) until our full beauty is reveal, all put back together. =} Thank you, Lord, for the whittling.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Comfort and Joy =}

Pure white feather-down comforters and pure white snow...I love them both! The comforter keeps you warm with plumps of feathers, and the snow, well...maybe not so warm, but definitely "plumpy". It is beautiful and soothing to the spirit! As I watch it drifting past my window, ever so gently creating a cushion on the earth's surface, I wonder what would cause the sudden change in temperature. Yesterday we had 70 degree weather, without a sign of clouds in the sky...until about 4 p.m. when the wind began to pick up and flap the awnings at my salon. Stepping outside to water the Juniper trees, I thought I probably should have taken the time to put my jacket on. And by the time I left work 3 hours later, my coat was snugly wrapped around me.

The fire is flickering in the fireplace and the cat is sleeping nearby on the ottoman. All is well. God created a way for us this morning, where there seemed to be no way. Actually it all started falling into place last week. Faithful as always. He opened up understanding and placed a thought that proved to be wisdom. And this time He didn't wait until the last minute! Or is it US that waits or can't seem to get into position for revelation? He tells us that everything we need for life is inside us. Everything. And if we need wisdom, He said ask for it and He would give it generously. Much of the time, I think we expect God to wiggle His nose (don't think He really has one =} ) and magically bring our expectations into full view. "Here ya go. What else can I do for ya?" Much like a retailer. And really all He wants us to do is to understand He has already given us everything we have need of! "Do it yourself," He says. "I've shown you how. What more can I do? Should I lift the spoon to your mouth so that all you have to do is open wide and swallow?"

Okay...okay. I'll get off my little soap box and stop pointing. I was raised in a very disciplined household. My dad drilled into us that "idleness is the devil's workshop" and never permitted much down time. And he taught us to be servants of others. Mom taught us to think. To ponder a situation until we came up with the answer. I think she was helping us by cushioning the heaviness of the demanding life on the farm. Much like the new falling snow this morning, cushioning the hard ground.

Life was rarely about us. Only brief moments of play. There was always something to do on the farm. Now that I'm older, I can understand a little more his demands on us kids. and appreciate those demands. I believe myself to be a survivor...not afraid of hard work and invite it. It will serve me in years to come by keeping my body more flexible. (I hope) =} But on that note, I suppose there may come a time when the seasons of my life change and I'm permitted to slow down some. That time may not be that far off...and if it isn't, I'm hoping I will still enjoy the softness and peacefulness of new fallen snow. I'm hoping that I will never "hate" the snow, (as some say they do).

I suppose I should finish going through our family pictures and pull those that have our oldest daughter living life. Gotta get them on a cd to send to North Carolina...June 19th, the day she will be wed, is rushing toward us...the day her last name with forever be changed. God is wrapping her in His pure love and moving her forward.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I will or I might?

Our lives reflect what we hold to be most valuable. We do what we want to do even if it poses a difficulty. We find a way. I realize there are on occasion, circumstances that thwart our best laid plans. But for the most part, our priorities are very evident, and we are only as good as our word. Why is it that so many think "I will" actually means "I might"? And why do we not know that sooner or later people will no longer trust us if we don't do what we say we will do? I can only suppose it's because we really don't care. How very difficult it is to rebuild a trust you once had and no longer have. You are simply unbelievable.

However, thanks to a gracious and merciful God, it IS possible to rebuild trust. How I love this fact. Without it, we are without hope. But with it, we become as if we were a new person...all together new! Maybe a little "baggage" to unstrap, but none-the-less, feelings of being different invade us. Now we can face our future with a large smile on our face because "everything becomes new." The difficulties we must face is now possible because God is at the center of our life. The road may still have it's bumps and even hills and sometimes mountains to tread upon, but we can do it with peace in our hearts because we are not trying to navigate them by ourselves. And truth is at the center of all we do. Awww...the sweet scent of peace.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's a Jungle Out There

MEMO TO SELF... When dining in at Subway, always ask for something to clean any table that faces the line where lunch is ordered.
A really nice looking young man was in line behind me, this noon hour, at Subway. He didn't LOOK like he had a cold or even having been sick. Clean cut, nicely dressed, handsome young man...then...awwwchoo!!! A freight train came out his nose! He DID turn his head though as not to blast the counter of food products. But neither did he try to conceal it in his elbow OR hand or inside his shirt. Nooooo...we can't take the chance of being labeled as someone who doesn't share! Wait!!! Oh no! Not AGAIN!!! OMG! The train comes for another round! AWWWCHOO!!! Crap! Can't you cover that thing? Okay, just get me outta here. "To go, please."

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hahahaha...I'm following my own blog! How did that happen? I was trying to access Deb's Dibbles and ended up following myself. This could be verrrryyy interesting. I've always felt like someone was following me. I guess it must be myself! =}

Monday, March 15, 2010

I looked up the definition of "needy" this evening. Actually just now. As thoughts of the day whirled around in my head, I decided I couldn't lay my head down for a good nights rest until I understood completely this definition. From the New World Dictionary, this is what I found. need.y characterized by need; not having enough to live on; very poor. In The New Roget's Thesaurus in Dictionary Form, this is what I found. needy: poor, down-and-out, beggared, destitute (POVERTY).

Really? Is it somehow a wrong or bad thing to be needy? We, the human race, have on many occassions looked down on those that are needy. But the question I'm asking myself tonight is does a person GET into a position of being needy? Have they not tried hard enough? Do they not believe in themselves enough to attain to higher goals? Is it a fluke of fate? Destiny? Or just plain desire not being met? Quite frankly, I don't know! Better yet, why are some people viewed as "needy" when they actually have a very blessed life? Do they portray needyness by feelings of unmet needs? What makes these type of people need recognition? I know when the physical body is lacking in an area, it responds with leg cramps, anemia, hair loss, and various other disorders because the thing that makes the body healthy is missing. So, is it the same with "needy" people? And if it is, why do we not respond to that issue with confirmation of whatever it is they are lacking?

One of my sisters used to tell me that I had a need of being seen. Really? Where did that need come from...and is it even true? She was a pretty insightful lady. I thought about that for a long time and decided she was wrong. I don't want to be seen...I would rather hide much of the time. However, it really does feel good to receive compliments or affirmation of importance. Is that a wrong feeling? Does not the whole of mankind need to know they are loved...not necessarily with words (but maybe with words). I know I am doubt about it. But how do I SHOW love for others? I know of one person in particular that I don't like talking to on the phone because, in my opinion, she is very needy. Spiritually speaking. Most people I LOVE talking to that is needy, because I think I have something to share with them that could get them past that. But try as I might, this person listens and never follows through. This has been going on for at least 15 years. I think I may have lost the desire to help because even though she hears what I say, she never disciplines herself to obey and it throws her right back into needyness. Well, I'm off the inital reason for looking up the word.

So...what makes us (mankind) needy?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Smiles aren't as frequent as you would think. There is so much to smile about; but as I searched for smiling faces today, all I found was only a few, as I made my way through the busy stores in Joplin. Children were crying, screaming and making demands on their parents. Their parents were counting...1,2, and so on. Couldn't believe my ears. Why do parents count at their children? Are they hoping by giving them a little more time they will obey them? Sounds threatening to me. I probably wouldn't be smiling either. Whatever happened to quick obedience? Parents don't seem to want to take the time for that trait to be worked in their children by discipline. No, I wouldn't be smiling either. As I walked through the stores, I would try to make eye contact with those around me, just so I could smile at them. At times I was successful, but mostly not. Everyone was in a hurry it seemed. Those that I was able to make eye contact with would give me a quirky smile, a semi-smile, a forced half-smile. Only one person gave me a big smile...a real smile...a "hope you're having a good day" smile. I loved it! And that is the person I shall remember from my trip today. God, send your ministering angels to put smiles on the faces that had none.
The sky is overcast this morning...but not my spirit. I just looked at the pictures our oldest daughter sent to us, via CD. I have beautiful daughters. We had such a good week-end with them last week. We did seize the moments...the late night moments watching the movie our son-in-law to be, gave to my husband (can't remember the name of it =}), the early morning moments before the lights came on, yet the camera was clicking away, the mid-day moments riding in the car going to grandma's house, catching up on events in the lives of our girls, the noon-time moments, watching our youngest consume her favorite Grandma's Salad, and the before return to N.C. flight, watching the eyes twinkle as our girls visited with close friends over lunch at Charlies Chicken. And then we had a surprise visitor. My sister-in-law who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, once again. She sat with us, no-one (except my husband and myself) knowing what she was facing. You couldn't tell anything dark and foreboding was staring her in the face, once again. Her spirit was light and her smile the same as always. Her hope is in the Lord. That's why she can face this...again. She quoted the Scripture to me that I have used many times myself and have shared at the appropriate moment with others that are going through tough times. "Whether I live or die, I am the Lord's" What a peace that gives to the soul. In this life we will face many obstacles. But our hope is in Him. It's His decision. I don't have to toil with it. I will return to Him soon anyway. If it's now or later, what does it matter? My desire is to live a long life on planet Earth, with those I love. But I am on God's time table, not my own. I think that may be one of the reasons I look at all of creation (mankind included) differently as my years are extended. If I could impress anything upon mankind, it would be to know who God is, so He can tell you who you are. The possibilities would be endless. If people realized the greatness that was within them, they would be unstoppable. I consider myself a cheer leading coach standing on the sidelines saying, "Go, go, go. You can do it!" And a watchman on the wall saying, "Guard your life while building it, because destruction will come in quickly if you are not watching." What am I saying in this post? Just this...the love of the Lord is beyond understanding, just accept it and rest. Seize the moments of life!

Friday, March 12, 2010

I came in to town a week ago to get the outside domain of my business ready for spring. I spent two hours raking the yard, sweeping the parking lot, trying to piece the puzzel of crushed cement, that edges a portion of my yard, together (that a snow scraper chopped up)and picking up at least a pint of cigarette butts. I impressed even myself. Today, running out in the rain to fetch the now empty trash container and bring it back to the West end of the salon, I glanced over toward the grassy part of my yard. I'm wondering at this moment, if those that are reading this little blog, could guess what my brown eyes saw. I still cannot perceive where those little devils come from. Is there really no other place to throw those nasty little cancer producing tips? Does everyone that goes through my neighbors donut & coffee drive through, smoke? And if they do, does their vehicle not have an ash tray? I think I may come early tomorrow and stand at the donut drive-through and offer ash trays to all that roll their car windows down and act as if they have something that's burning their hand. "Hey...throw it through the donut shop window! They are your business of choice. Let them know you've been here. Because I really don't think they know you are throwing them over in MY yard. Surely they would come to pick them up, since you are their customer and are littering their neighbors raked and swept yard." *sigh* Oh well, I guess it keeps me active so my back won't give out sooner than it should. And I love what it does to my fingers! Maybe I'll ask the drive through people if they could bring their trash from home next time. I don't have much to do anyway.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

There are days I am pulled between heaven and earth. When I'm reminded of those that have already "touched the face of God", having left this planet for sights I can only imagine, I long to see what they are doing and have a moment to visit with them. But on the other hand, I love the life God has given me for the short time alloted me. I love my family and those that God has put in their paths to hold and cherish. My problem is they are much too far away. How grateful I am of Alexander Graham Bell. As our oldest said shortly after moving so far away, "Mom, doesn't it seem like I'm just down the road?" Aww, yes...thank you Alexander! Just hearing my girls voices, helps me. Now if I could just touch girls. Oh well, I suppose life is as it should be. I have friends I CAN see and touch right here in my "back yard." My God meets all my needs. Why do I long for more?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rain is probably my favorite weather condition. It soothes the soul, refreshes the spirit and calms my anxious thoughts. I think I need a cup of my favorite coffee. =}