I really thought this blog idea was a good one...at first. And, I suppose it still is to a certain extent. I was planning on it being just the outlet I needed to voice my constant opinions. But, alas, I have determined it is not the medium I would like. Now, don't misunderstand me...I still enjoy voicing an opinion from time to time, but have found I truly cannot lay everything out here that I would like. I, like you, have "things" spinning around in my head about this or that. But some things just can't be shared with the world.
So...I STILL have to be careful. Now, isn't that just like our God. We truly are not our own. (But I want to none-the-less). It just doesn't behoove me, to let everything this tiny brain dictates to me, spill out of the mouth...or fingers. Whatever the case may be.
So, I am indeed a prisoner. But a prisoner by choice. Can one choose to be a prisoner? Well, absolutely! And it is a really good idea for one like me. You see, my mouth has gotten me into more trouble than I care to admit, over my lifetime. I keep thinking I'm going to get this mind controlled...but it seems to be pretty open to most people and I've never been one to keep things to myself. But I do continue to try. Last Sunday evening, a young man that goes to church with us, complimented me on NOT talking more than was necessary for the moment. I get on a roll, I suppose, and my thoughts just keep moving in and out of ideas and soon gets off the topic first initiated.
Well, you get the picture. So now, I have a choice. Don't you just love all those choices we get to decided on? I can do whatever I want to do, whenever I want to do it. I can say whatever I want to say, whenever I want to say it OR I can control my emotions, my desires, and my impulses and allow others to draw from a "pure well" instead of a polluted one where anything and everything is mixed up in it.
Enough said...for now. =}
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