Friday, May 31, 2024

Remembering Krista

Today would have been Krista's 45th birthday of walking out the journey she was given, here on planet Earth. 

As many have said, "She was taken way too soon." We didn't expect this and it caught us all by total surprise. "How are we even talking about this?!!!" was our Lindsey's question when the call was made to let her and sister Meg know the struggle Krista was having. Laying in a hospital bed, only 3 short years ago, Dennis' niece had been diagnosed with Covid 19 complications. She didn't make it home...

But, I don't want to focus on how she left us, but on the memories she gave us while here. Krista, for the most part, seemed joyful. Laughter came easily to her. She loved being wherever you needed her to be. It seemed to make her the happiest when she was giving her time to anyone who could benefit from it.

I just sat down with Dennis a moment ago to ask what he remembered most about Krista. "She always made sure to come see me when I made trips back home to see everyone, and she always asked about the girls,"  he said. Our Lindsey & Meg & Krista had been childhood friends & cousins. Then, as life would have it, they all lived half-way across the country from each other, had married and had children of their own. It's easy to lose track of each other when the family grows and distance becomes an issue. But they never stopped loving each other. "Krista always asked how they were doing when I visited and said to let them know how much she loved them and that she continued to pray for them. I'll never forget her big smile," he continued. Me neither, dear husband. I will never forget that big smile of hers! 

This is a picture of a Momma and Daughter Duo that was frequently seen whenever one, or the other, went anywhere. Dena loved like most mothers do, but their connection was like a cord of 3 strands, difficult to unravel. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) Not that anyone would try. Their lives were solidly intertwined. But unlike those without hope, these two know they will once again be reunited at some point. It makes life doable for those left behind. I don't pretend to know the depth of heartache one experiences when a daughter (or son) no longer walks this earth. When their voice is only a memory inside us, or when we can only remember, (can we actually feel?) how they embraced us. With those that once grew inside us, it may be different than other family members. I don't know. 

Please understand I don't mean to leave daddy's out of this wrenching event that happens so often. It's just that I'm a mom, so can only speak (somewhat) to this as only a mother could. I saw the effects, the toll, it took on Krista's dad, after she went to her forever home. Probably not nearly as much as it truly did, and still does, to this day.

Even though Krista has no more birthday's here, she now has no bonds. Her spirit can be wherever she wants it to be in only a moment. Talk about a celebration!!! So we who are left here, we celebrate God allowing her into this family, for a time, to share in the light she brought with her. As we celebrate Krista's time here, we should also remember what she brought to our lives, thus allowing her light to join with our own. 

My heart is grieving today. For D.W.'s sister (my sis-in-law), even though I know she has not truly lost her daughter. She is simply a bit too far away for a one-on-one visit. For now...


  1. Beautiful tribute to a sweet young woman who left our world too soon but left a wonderful testimony behind and many great memories for us to remember her. We will see her again in a little while.

  2. Thank you, Jeanie. She was a testimony of God's love, for sure! She is missed.
