Friday, May 10, 2024

Peace in the Shadows

To speak truth, especially when it would seem dark, is not being (or seeing) negative. Of course, there are times when it would serve us better to turn a situation around by seeing the silver lining, so-to-speak, in any given dark situation. But let's talk about when things, when life, throws us into the unknown.

Do you know what "the valley of the shadow of death" actually means? I know this scripture is read at funerals, but it's not about dying. Well, it kind of is. But not the way we normally think of dying. It's an invitation to die to our selfish desires through the experiences of realizing we cannot save ourselves. It's about walking where there is scarcity, pain, danger, and the unknown. That's basically everywhere on planet Earth, and we will all experience it to some degree, at some point in life. It is then that fear comes for a visit and doesn't want to leave. David wrote Psalm 23 as he thought about how sheep depend upon their shepherd, and was in a sense encouraging himself in the middle of so many difficulties. He was placing his trust in the Lord, his Shepherd, to deliver him. And some times that deliverance looked absolutely nothing like what he had hoped for. Sometimes, for me, it just looks like complete peace, in spite of the situation.

On my morning walk, interesting "conversation" took place between me and God. The only God who shines a light into the darkness, showing the path, in order to keep us from stumbling in the darkness. One of the last things Jesus told the apostles before Gethsemane, was this: "In this world you will have trials, but don't let those problems take your joy. I have shown you how to live so you can overcome anything the world throws your way, just as I have. For the joy set before me." ~John 16:33 (paraphrased by me). Read it for yourself. You may get something entirely different from it.

There were several people on my mind this morning that are in the throws of living life. Ones who are facing seemingly insurmountable odds. These are the ones I was talking to God about, asking for the promise of never leaving us, nor forsaking us, to be evident to them in whatever way He knew they most needed. 

Much of the time, while we are walking through difficult times, we can't see anything but the problem, the pain, the danger, the unknown. And fear sits at our door ready to consume us. Until...we decide that God is bigger than all of the unknown. Until we decide to stop focusing on the monster breathing down our neck, and see beyond the natural as we recall the promises of Jesus, the one who cannot lie. 

He is our strength. He will give us rest. He loves us. He will give us peace. He is faithful. He will never leave us. He will fight our battles. He prays for us. He hears our groaning, even when we don't know how to pray. He will comfort us.

May you feel His love and comfort through His mercy and grace.

As always, here you will find Mary's World.

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