Monday, April 22, 2024

Overthinking the Wind's Resistance

As long as I can remember, I've been someone who loves to be different than the norm. I rarely "go with the flow". It's much too boring and why would I want to "fit in" with the masses? This attitude crept into the world of business as I took up the challenge of being my own boss. The buck would always stop with me as I chose the extra ordinary. Rarely did anyone know the why behind those choices. 

I had mostly kept to myself in the early years of teenage-hood, as I became known as the quiet one. Maybe a little shy. But that wasn't it at all. I had been taught that children should be seen, but not heard, and it carried over into my pre-adult era. It's super easy to judge someone by what is shown outwardly, but super hard getting to know the real human behind the curtain. 

I took it all in, storing everything inside a file located in the back room of my brain. I saw the lions. I saw the mice. I saw the richness of souls. I saw the poverty of souls. As I read the rooms my feet carried me into, I prepared myself for the unknown. Little did I know the unknown was about to completely mess with my views of humanity and the world at large.

There is a Celtic expression from long ago, that has forever intrigued me. It sounds nice, just not realistic enough for my views. "May the wind be at your back" indicates life should always be easy, never challenging, and we all know that simply isn't reality. I get it, though. The expression was meant to give as a blessing of always being in good situations where help from external forces was present. Possibly even spiritual forces helping us along our journey. And even though I know that many times I have been accompanied by the spiritual realm (the unseen), as I navigate life, I still want the challenges that serve to improve the journey. The ones that cause me to look inside myself to see what God has put there that I can draw upon.

Without challenges, without difficulties, without sorrows, without self-reflection, without stumbling blocks and mountains, we would be a tad spoiled without any real value. We may be great to look at, but without any depth of the soul, I fear we wouldn't have much to offer this world.

Sooo....let the wind be in my face. Let it cool my physical body, as it warms my spirit, while forcing me to engage with it. Let the wind be in my face, pushing against this human shell I call home, so I might try harder, become stronger, and be more understanding of others reality. Let the wind be in my face so that I might learn to resist the push-back and look for a better way than my own.

"May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields." It's really a nice Irish blessing, but...don't we always reap what we sow? 

Sowing doesn't come without hardships. I'll just leave that here for us to contemplate for a bit.

Overthinking the wind, here you will find Mary's World

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