Saturday, March 25, 2023

Finding Hope

Have you ever had built up expectations, in hopes something MIGHT happen before you get too old to enjoy it? Kids have no problem imagining their dreams becoming reality. They hold onto hope because they can see themselves in the place of their deep desire. 

As we age, reality teaches us that not all dreams become something we can touch. Tangible dreams are a bit harder to grab onto. Yet, they CAN become tangible. How? Glad you asked. 

Many years ago, someone told me to think bigger than what my mind was telling me was possible. At that time, I wasn't really sure what that looked like, simply because I had trust issues. I doubted anything I wanted would become anything I could actually experience. It's just what my life was, I told myself. I was so short-sighted back then. 

It takes believing in a God of miracles. A God that placed everything we have need of, inside us, from the first beat of our heart while still being woven inside our mother's womb. Yes, I do believe that. He is a creative God, that made us in His image. That must mean we have the creative gene in us, right? Plus,He came to show us HOW to live an overcoming life. A life of value, of peace, of hope & love (when love isn't warranted). A life of creating something out of nothing. Troubles there will be. Troubles build faith. Faith creates patience. And patience gives way to having a lack of nothing. ~James 1:2-4 (paraphrased)

So...why do I have a picture of our grand girl heading up this post? Firstly, I know it will get your attention. She's just too cute, not to. Am I right? 😉 Secondly, this picture was taken at Walt Disney World last week. She had been wanting to go there, for the last couple of years, but it took a bit of patience working out the issues surrounding that trip. But she held onto hope. And hope is the reason for this blog post.

Hope produced its good work, eventually. She and her momma had so much fun while there and came home pretty tired. They were filled up with expectations met, which in turn was energy draining. But, recharging is never an issue for these two. And it wasn't any different this time, as I picked them up at the airport. They did not disappoint. I got to listen to their journey unfold, as I maneuvered air port traffic and interstate crazies. I think maybe I drove just a bit more strategically, just from feeling their energy. They may have looked a bit frazzled, but one couldn't tell from listening to their story unfold. How many times have I been so very grateful Dennis and I moved to be closer to our girls and their girls? More than anyone could count, most likely. It's been 10 years now, since our move. Not one day have we regretted picking up the homestead of 39 years, and transferring it to North Carolina, to live out the rest of our time on earth, next to where our heart is. Home truly is where the heart is, and our heart(s) were/are in NC. Just down the proverbial road from us, instead of 1200 miles away.
Faith doesn't come easily, however. It has to work through things. Like tired legs (doing the work...spirit), impatience (wanting it now...mind), troubles along the way (unexpected delays...body). Just like this picture of our girl waiting...resting her legs, her mind, her body. But still watching for the treasure to show itself. In this case, the transport bus that would carry her and her momma back to the resort. Trusting it would come. I'm telling you, children are rich with examples of faith being built, if we but watch. And listen. Wish I had a dollar for every time a little person has spoken life to me. 

As I mentioned before, living life can, and does on occasion, take the wind out of our sails. Only because we forget to hold onto hope of a better day. We become tunnel visioned at times, where all we see is the dirt around our feet, forgetting to look up at the expanse of the Universe and all its wonders. We forget to see the tapestry of God and how it actually works. Speaking of tapestry, have you ever turned one over to view the back side? That's where all the magic happens. The threads are woven over each other, sometimes looking quite tangled, knotted, and just plain confused, yet produces something of great beauty as they weave themselves together with the other threads. Think about it...

Soaking in all the goodness of our God, here you will find Mary's World


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Needy?! (first Published in 2010)

Just to save the comments from this post in 2010, I had to share it again, after deciding I wanted to give it a title (which it didn't have when written 🙄). So sorry...this was more than a few years ago. 13, to be exact. Things change over the years, but I loved the comments to this post and didn't want to lose them. So...⬇️

Had lunch with my husband of 35 years today. We ate at Hadley's down town. Their chicken salad on a croissant bun and side salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette, is so awesome! Make's me happy. Well...we had a tiny discussion on the "needy" word. Come to find out, he isn't the only one that thinks I'm a tad needy in some situations (according to him). And I probably could name at least ONE other. Problem is, he couldn't tell me exactly why he thinks that. "It is definitely related to our girls," he says. "You seem to need them to notice you." What???!!! Of course I need them to notice me. Doesn't every mother? How does a mom stand in the background and still be a viable part of their lives? Oh I need some answers.

Okay, I'm wanting some feed-back obviously. (Will that be considered "needy.") Hmmmm...

Friday, March 10, 2023

Rainy Day Blessings

The pitter patter of rain drops, or the sound of blowing rain against the windowsill, both are welcoming sounds to this sometimes weary traveler.

What's to love about rainy days, you ask? Welllll...mainly the overcast skies bring a sense of calm to an otherwise anxious heart. Wouldn't you agree? One may feel rainy days are "yucky", and overcast skies "dreary", or "a thief of outdoor activity", but I welcome them. They seem to happen just at a time I could really use some "wrap your arms around me" comfort. 

Today is no different. The leftovers that come from a mission of decluttering (Spring, ya know), are in the throws of being donated, stored, or trashed, and while my study is looking inviting now that it's cleaned and organized once again, there are still items waiting for me to decide just what I will do with them. They wait patiently for me. Some left scattered in the kitchen, some (mainly from the shop) lay in the sunroom. Just waiting. I may, or may not get to it, because yesterday was a challenging day for me. Surprise happened in the salon that turned a 3 hour service into a 5.5 hour service. I had planned an early day away from the salon, but that didn't happen. What a gracious and patient client I had. I have always been a person that believes there is a solution to every problem, and I'm like a dog with a bone, finding that solution. Whether it be self-imposed, or simply situational, the issues should never be pushed to the back of one's mind to hide amongst the rest of life situations, never to be visited again. Sometimes, I am successful. Other times, not so much. Today, I'm questioning a lot of things.

We should not forget the situations one just stumbles into, innocently, and feels the gut punch which leaves us with the gnawing feeling the solution will be long in implementation. Those are the ones we need to take a hard look at. What actually happened? Why did it happen? All the while realizing that if things ran perfectly every day, we'd never face a challenge. We'd never know we can be an overcomer, solution experts, nor humble servants. 

Assumptions and speculations need to be stilled, so a heart can be calmed. That is what today has brought me. Oh how I love rainy days!!! Drizzly days, pouring-down-rain days, and even just overcast-sky days. These are the days my soul finds rest. I'm pretty sure God created those with me in mind. (And you, of course) He knew we'd need them...

God is in everything we see, feel, hear, smell, & taste. Even science (which God created), says the reason rainy days bring about a sense of calmness, is because the air pressure is low and filled with water vapors. This combination lowers oxygen levels in the air, which in turn causes our brain to feel tired. When it rains, negative ions are released and that leads to us feeling more relaxed and comfortable. He thought of everything. Am I right? 

Here's to rainy days and Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays! Do-over days!!! Fresh start days!!! God is good.

With coffee in hand, I think I'm gonna take a beat. Maybe it's time for a trip to the mountains.

As always, here you'll find Mary's World.