Friday, April 12, 2013

What Does Respect and Transparency Have In Common?

Transparency is an interesting subject for me. Transparency, for me, means that others can see who I really am, as they use the light of God's truth on what I say, not necessarily on how they interpret the words, taking them for face value. Not taking the time to look deeper for the whys. It doesn't mean (to me), that my mouth opens and out falls a bunch of words about myself. That doesn't necessarily expose who I am, or who I hope to be someday. I may be hurting terribly, yet covering most of the pain, because I know I will be instructed on how I should or shouldn't be. When looking beyond the moment, many things will come into focus. We're able to see past the evident imperfections, because we ourselves are not really that different from anyone else. We are all a work in progress. Age doesn't matter. The toddler makes mistakes, the young person makes mistakes, the teen makes mistakes, the young adult makes mistakes, the middle-aged make mistakes, the senior citizen makes mistakes, and the elderly make mistakes.

I do think if we could all be honest, speaking the truth, when in a sensitive conversation (or otherwise), it would be a good thing. Tempering that honesty with kindness, respect, and understanding, would make for a much better atmosphere, as we attempt to live in peace with each other. Ah...respect. It simply appears to have flown out the door (or window) in many many communities.

I notice it more with the elderly, I suppose. Have we lost our respect for the paths they've had to walk? Why do we treat them as if, once they've reached a certain age, they are  no longer of any value? Why do we make them feel as if we only tolerate their presence? I don't get it. I find it so very interesting to sit and listen to their stories...and yes, their advise.

"There is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). It doesn't matter what generation we come from, life's issues are the same. The world is not getting's always had it's problems. Large problems. But Christ came to show us how to live in the midst of those (very real) problems. He's given us a table in the presence of those who would hurt us, intentionally or not. That table is a place where we can refresh our spirit and acquire strength to continue.

To honor those that have walked the road, years before us, is to honor God's purposes and plans for humanity. They have acquired knowledge, some the midst of all that they've faced while clearing a path for those coming after them. Yet, much of the time, I see just the opposite as being true. Those that haven't journeyed as long, seem to think they know more than those that already have traveled the narrow, obstruction filled path. They use the tired, old adage, "My path is different. You can't possibly know what I'm facing." While it may be true that your path looks a bit different than anyone elses, be sure the solutions are the same. Cause and effect of life's issues, all have a common denominator.

I'm not trying to put all of creation in this small box. I'm not saying all are of this mindset. It's just that when I see the lack of respect, it makes me intensely sad. And I see it way too often. If you think someone is not being totally honest with you, check to see if you've given them a safe place to be transparent. Check to see if they are honored while in your presence.

Being transparent here, in Mary's World, I will remain until I'm not.

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