Sunday, August 22, 2010

How Does One Get from There to Here?

Driving home the other evening I pulled in behind a pick-up truck loaded down with bits of this and that. Iron bars, broken up cabinets, wire pieces sticking out in every direction and other things unidentifiable. Sitting up next to the cab were two people propped as if they didn't have a care in the world. They were almost hidden in amongst all the stuff. As we came upon a stop light, I eased on forward, maybe a little closer than I should have. I wanted to get a look at the guy and gal staring back at me. She was very much over weight; so much so that her arms flared out from the sides of her torso. In her right hand was a large drink cup. I have no idea what she had been drinking, but from the appearance of things, it was something she shouldn't have been. The guy looked a little rough also. They both looked as if they had not seen a shower in some time; hair matted and the pieces that could free themselves was blowing in the hot summer wind. As we came to a stop, she handed the cup to the male person, took out a pack of cigarettes, pulled one out and as she cupped her hand over the end, lit it. So, maybe I judged too quickly...evidently they had enough money to purchase cigarettes and she really didn't look that hungry. So how did they get to this place in their lives?

It was just a question I asked myself. They may be the wealthiest people in the four state area, just moving some things from here to there. Speculation rarely is correct...but I have a habit of making stories up in my head that I think fits whatever it is I'm looking at. Keeps life interesting for me. =} I was getting a few groceries in Wal-Mart one Fall evening and as I rounded an end cap, I noticed a man and a woman looking through some shelving as if they were keeping an eye on another lady. My husband came up about that time and I pointed out to him the two that were surely having an affair and didn't want the poor wife to see them together, so they were hiding behind some shelving until she moved on out of the area and they could go their merry, hopefully seperate ways. My husband laughed at me and informed me the two were Wal-Mart under-cover employees watching a woman they had seen put something in her purse from one of the shelves. Actually she had several things she had tucked away in her purse. They were just waiting on her to go through check out so they could "nab" her. I truly have an interesting mind...contrary to popular opinion.

So...back to the couple in the pick-up truck. My thoughts surrounded their lives as I assessed it in the few moments of waiting for the light to turn green. Did they come from poverty and just never had the opportunities so many others have? Or was this their choosing? If so, why??? What could have happened that would cause what I viewed as great need? But still...there was that pack of cigarettes. Ya know, I've seen people sitting at the intersection of 43 and I-44, dragging on a cigarette, a very nice, healthy dog sitting there with them and holding a sign that tells all that pass by them they need food, money or whatever you can give them. Where did they get that sign? And the markers to write on it? Once in a while I'll see people with just a scrap of cardboard and the words are written with what appears to be an ink pen. Can't hardly see the words. I don't have much of a hard time believing them. But these other people that look as if they've never missed a meal in their lives...nor their dog...and smoking up a storm, well, I'm bumfuzzeled. And you'll see them every week for about four, and then they switch locations with others. Well...I'm off track once again. I think sometimes I must think too much. =}

I didn't worry myself with the situation too long, because they had a ride to wherever they were going and it appeared they were good to go with a full pack (maybe it wasn't full...I don't really know) of cigarettes and one honkin big drink. I didn't have that nagging pull at my heart strings that I have had on occasion, so I let my mind go to the next situation. Which was just to sit quietly, appreciating all the favor I seem to walk in, as I drove home. And as soon as I pulled into our drive, I thanked the Lord for allowing me a safe trip home and giving us the opportunity to choose wisely, providing wisdom when we ask for it. Without His direction in my life, I'm pretty sure the freedom I so enjoy now, would not be mine.

I am, as Mary's World. (God's sharing it with me) =}

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