Saturday, January 18, 2025

Today's Ponderings

While I don't believe that most "New Year's Resolutions" actually have longevity, I do believe in setting goals. Kind of the same, but with less intimidation, I think. Mine came only this early morning. At 4:36 to be precise. Up. since 2:22, working on finances and book work for the salon, all the while working in my day planner, it struck me as to what my physical body/mental acuity needed. Simply put, what my focus should be on, this year.

My journal entry?
1) Encourage myself DAILY!
2) Walk
3) Exercise
4) Meal prep weekly

Sounds pretty simple, right? In the spirit of transparency, I have struggled with several things recently.

1) What are the plans for Elements Salon this year?
2) What is causing this lackadaisical outlook for my health?
3) Where do we go from here, now that D has retired?
4) Why this attitude of indifference, lately?
5) What is happening with this once very strong body of mine?

The one thing I have always depended on, is the saving grace of God. The ever watchful eye of God. The unconditional love of God. The encouragement of God, even when I was proud of myself and believed it was just because of my own efforts that success found me. It was He who saved me from myself many years ago. Took a bit to get my attention, but He has his ways. Which are much more direct (yet subtle) than my own. It's almost as if humanity has blinders on, rarely seeing the reality of living this life. Just putting one foot in front of the other, hoping the next step lands on solid ground.

If I have learned anything, in my 77.5 years on this planet, it is because of Christ that I live and breathe and have my being. It is by his hand that I move, think, and implement all that I do. Yes. I do get to make my own decisions as to what I do, where I go, who I touch (or don't touch). But...when I listen, when I allow myself space to ask of Him the direction I should go, it is then my attitude of indifference fades. It is then that vision begins unfolding right in front of me. It is then that my eyes begin to see beyond myself. He is indeed, the God of hope.

Truth is, we must search, before we can find. We must ask, before we can receive. Until those moments envelope us, we walk by sight, not by faith.

Asking, and searching, here you will find Mary's World.

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