In Poetry we say: From the early morning rays of sun that cast shadows over the bare branches of winters icy blast, sparkling upon the newly fallen snow of last evenings unfiltered storm, comes a deep quietness. If one listens intently, you can hear the many voices calling out from somewhere deep inside themselves, yearning for a listening ear that embraces the voice that speaks, yet is not heard.
Looking for my voice, I have become mesmerized by a young lady who not only writes but also reads poetry on TicToc, which I'm not a part of (but ran across on FB). She inspires me to reach further inside my mental abilities just to see if I might cause one to scratch their head and wonder what in the world I'm saying. Fun, right? It won't always be this way. Just from time to time, when the mood strikes. I ran this first try at poetry by DW. He just smiled and said, "Lots of words." 😁 Exactly what I expected him to say. He's not wrong...
It's been soooo many years ago, but I can still hear my dad telling us that "Children are meant to be seen and not heard." Sometimes, I think we have swung too far the other way, and now adults aren't allowed to speak, while the kiddos make their demands. Why can't we just find that happy balance where all are respected and never interrupted while speaking? Why can't we all have a voice that is heard? I think about those that have been in my realm of living, that I now know; now understand, all that was needed was for them to have a voice. To be heard. These are the times I would go back to (if indeed I could), and listen a bit more intentionally. I would not only listen with my ears, but with my heart. Seeing beyond the why of needing to be heard. I have failed so many times in this arena, unwittingly inflicting pain. I wish I could have a re-do. Knowing what I know now...
We all have a path to walk, stretching for the perfect while never being able to fully reach it. But we can try. We can be kinder, gentler, more involved with the needs of someone other than ourselves. And when we fail, because we will, we will get up, dust ourselves off and try again. Always learning from the mistakes we've made along the way. Keeping them at the forefront of remembrance. I think the problem exists in the refusal to lay our own lives down for the sake of another. For the most part, I do believe we are a self-centered creature, with eyes always looking inward while rarely looking out for the needs of others. Is this the reason God asked us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves? And what about our loved ones? We say we love them more than we love ourselves. But, do we? If we truly loved, wouldn't we want them to know they have a voice. That we are listening? That we care about their needs, even though those needs may sound a bit childish? Rambling thoughts...
Of late, I have been in need of inspiration. The feeling of life has occasionally been so narrow, so minimal. As if I were living in a small black box. My walks have ceased...again, but think I'll try a short walk-about today, just to see if I can make it. The last few days (maybe it's been a week), have found me almost immobile, so I'm getting way too much TV time because I have no new books to read. I've done something to my right foot without knowing just when it happened and it's giving me a hard time walking without a limp and a ton of pain. Mostly along the length of the outer side of the foot, but will also shoot up my leg as it blasts over the top of the foot, as if a bolt of lightening just struck it. But, I gotta get back to work tomorrow. I may have to dig out D's cane that Styn made for him a few years ago. Geez, I miss that guy!
Okay. That's it for today!
Still learning to be quiet, listening more (without totally withdrawing), here you will find Mary's World.
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