Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Winds of Change

As a native Oklahoman, I sit in North Carolina thinking about the tornado season that is preparing its yearly entrance into my home town and the surrounding 4 states. It's never a pleasant season to face...we've seen the destruction these massive winds cause. As much as I love "storms", these are way too fearful to be even slightly pleasant.

Seasons come and go in every area of our lives. Much like the destruction of tornadoes, so it is with the battle that presents itself in our minds, from time to time. Nothing stays the same, even though there is nothing new under the sun. There are days we are inspired. And there are days we seem to face the mightiest winds of opposition...of doubt. We struggle with despondency and anguish. We brood (sulk). We feel sorry for ourselves as we battle waves of discouragement. There are times we feel as if we're drowning, and there is no hand to reach for us, to pull us to safety. Or we feel as if the wind is blowing with gale-like force against our every movement, with no possible decline in strength. Thankfully, these times are not the normal living pattern...for me, anyway. But I do face them, as we all do.

This partial move of ours finds me without my study books (and a few other things, like my husband!)...which I really miss. I came to N.C. with the bare essentials, thinking all the rest of what I think I can't live without, would follow shortly. It's been 9 months and no evident change in sight. But tonight, as I read from a book loaned to me, I am reminded that I need not be fearful of anything. It seems as if I need to hear this way too frequently. It's a truth I know, but evidently forget.

There are no problems beyond the reach of an all-powerful, always available, omnipotent God who signed and sealed Romans 8:28. The beauty of this Scripture is that it is all-inclusive. It can do anything God can do. It is a divine promise that can touch any hurt and make a way of escape. It lands squarely on the path in front of us...every day, every moment. God transforms our sadness, our doubt, our trials...into victories. It's been said that He alone knows how to bring Easters out of Good Fridays. We can...and will, rise up out of what seems to be the ashes of life, if we but remember, and read again, Romans 8:28.

Even those hard situations we all face, are worked together for good to those who love the Lord and who are called according to His purpose. Every last detail of my life has a higher purpose than I may be able to see. "Blessed is the man who believes, yet does not see" ~John 20:29 "Faith is the evidence of things not seen." ~Hebrews 11:1

I love it that God promised us ALL things work together for good. Not just today, but every day. Not just the fog that seems to surround me, but even the waiting. It's all for good. I am not my own. I was purchased with a price that only He was able to pay. As we search the Scriptures, we find the table He prepared for us in the midst of those things that would pull us from Him, from His promises. When the storms force us to take them on, we have a shield in the promises of our God.

Some days after finishing up my work day, I will find a spot under a tree, to park my car. I'll put the windows down and allow the cool breeze to sweep through as I recline the seat...push it back from the steering wheel, and just relax. I watch people rushing in and out of the stores, some wandering as if they don't know where they are. It's a time of reflection for me as I visit with God. Sometimes I've even fallen asleep, He's just that comforting. It's as if He gives me peace for the moment, telling me it's going to work out for good.

No one likes the real storms of life. No one. I've never heard anyone say they couldn't wait for the next difficult patch to hit them. That would just be weird. I'm not sure I would believe them. Regardless, it's those strong winds of adversity that causes us to become faithful. To become focused. Something is created deep within us. So, I'm thinking it must be that time again. The time to be taught another truth. As long as I have an anchor, I'm good. And that's something I'll never have to be without.

 Winning the battle of the mind...here you'll find me, in Mary's World.

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