Friday, November 12, 2010

To Adorn or Not to Adorn

"And let not your adornment be MERELY external...braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses, but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God." I Peter 3: 3-4

In my study of the Scriptures this morning, this particular verse grabbed me because of so much misunderstanding of what the apostle Peter was trying to convey. Much of the time we grab a verse and say, "aha! I KNEW those people were sinning against God and all that is holy!" Please understand I am not set on proving anyone wrong in their faith of the Scriptures and their understanding of them. I love trying to unlock the mysteries of the Word of God. Some things just seem contradictory, yet I know that not to be true. We must "study to show ourselves approved, rightly dividing the Word of Truth." And I realize I am far from understanding all that is in there. But it is our guide to living and we must find a place of peace with the Spirit of God. So here is my take on this particular situation:

The apostle does not condemn true ornament, nor does he condemn the desire to appear in such a way as to secure the esteem of others. God does not condemn real ornament. The universe is full of it. The colors of the clouds and of the rainbow; the varied hues of flowers; the plumage of birds, and the covering of many of the animals of the forest; the green grass; the variety of hill and valley; the beauty of the human complexion, the ruddy cheek, and the sparkling eye, are all of the nature of ornament. They are something superadded to what would be merely useful, to make them appear healthy or more alive. Few or none of these things are absolutely necessary to the things to which they are attached. The eye could see without the various tints of beauty that are drawn upon it, and the lips and the cheeks could perform their functions without their beautiful tints, and the vegetable world could exist without the variegated colors that are painted on it; but God meant that this should be a beautiful world; that it should appear well; that there should be something more than mere utility. The true notion of ornament or adorning is that which will make any person or thing appear well, or beautiful, to others; and the apostle does not prohibit that which would have this effect in the wife. The best thing she was to seek, was not that which is merely external, but that which is internal, and which God regards as of so great a value. The outward adornment was not to be the main or principal thing. Her heart was not to be set on it. He does not say she should wholly neglect her personal appearance, for she has no more right to be offensive to her husband by neglecting her personal appearance, than by having an obsession with it.

Those whose heart is set on God, will from the heart honor and adore Him above all else. I feel better about myself when I do not neglect the external as I build upon the truth of God's Word for my spirit life. I can accomplish so much more when I feel I am at my best outwardly as well as inwardly. My outward appearance does not make my heart glad, it adds to my heart. "First the natural, then the spiritual." How we care for the external shows pretty much what the internal is. God is a God of beauty and order. Don't be ashamed to make yourself look well. Sure there is a limit. But I think we all know what that limit is. He is faithful and will draw us back to the truth if we wander too far away. It's all a heart issue. Be beautiful today!!!

Until the next time, you will find me Mary's World

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