Our oldest daughter will become a married woman this June. The plans are to stay on the beach in the Outer Banks of North Carolina the week prior to the wedding. I've been thinking about that. With all the fun coming our way, I've just about decided to extend the excitement for one more week. Not to worry, sis, we're not staying at your house...well, you'd be gone anyway...so I suppose it wouldn't matter so much. But that's not the plan. Did you hear that? I FINALLY HAVE A PLAN! Haven't had one for some time now. Feels good.
Think I'll bring our living room up to snuff. Last trip our girls made home (last month), I caught them looking around, giggling and pointing their little skinny fingers at all Mom's archaic fixtures. Time just slips right on by a person if they aren't looking. The last time our living room had any attention was back in 1989 or 90. Looonnngggg time ago. So I suppose it's time. Thanks to my girls. Probably would have suffered through another 20 or so years had they, (well...Lindsey), not pointed out how very old my decorations were.
So, week two of our summer vacation, will be spent painting and re-designing. Wow...hope I have some money left over from the wedding...not likely. =} Maybe I should start planning now and putting my tips and lunch money back for that. Oh, wait...that's what I'm doing NOW for the trip to NC. Maybe I could get a waitress job up the road just North of me and when I close the shop down, run up there and make a couple bucks extra. Nah...I'll find Dennis another job.
Well, it's been fun dreaming. Wonder what I'll come up with next. Any ideas?
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