Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Beauty of Stillness

Ah...the beauty of new falling snow amongst winters frigid temps. Why is snow so mesmerizing??? Did you know that snow absorbs sound? The atmosphere becomes so peaceful, it seems almost ethereal. The landscape it falls on becomes visually stunning as it reflects large amounts of light while calming all our senses. Nostalgic memories begin their dance as we remember days of our youth during a time when responsibilities were few.

How I wish it would continue throughout the day and into the evening hours. How I wish it would stay awhile, like an old friend that comes for a visit just to confirm she still remembers you. But it won't. Not here in North Carolina. It never does. Not like it does in Oklahoma. I shouldn't expect it though...not really. Living in the South, all the "weather" we get is rain...mostly. It's kinda funny how I've always said we were a mid-west transplant. Come to find out, Oklahoma is more of a SOUTHwestern state. Who woulda thunk? One never stops learning. Until....well, you know. 

As I look out my study window, all seems so settled. So at peace with itself. No travelers, to speak of. No birds singing. No squirrels running around chasing each other...just softly falling snow. In our backyard, the children's swings remain still, the fire pit is covered in a white blanket of snow, and the arbor that shares the beauty of new life during the spring and summer months, now is nestled under bare tree branches that hang low, as if to guard against the chance of a howling wind. They aren't aware of their bareness, I suppose. And the wind is still, this beautiful snowy day. 

Enjoying the beauty of our Creator, and a cup of coffee, here you will find Mary's World.

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