Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Restless Dream Land

Weird back-to-back dreams last night. All having to do with the salon. Yes, I'm going to share them, because they are seriously kinda funny. In a scary kind of way...

Dream #1:
I get to the salon. Many, many (maybe 20+) people (don't ask how they fit in there...it was a bigger place than I have now), were waiting for me. No appointments made. Just waiting for me to arrive. Expecting what, I'm not sure. I tell them to get out. 😂 I'm kind, like that. 😂

They had made a mess of the place, having brought in food and drink, and a bazillion kids. As I'm cleaning up after tossing their complaining whinnies out, I find almost ALL of my plastic color gloves in heaps on the floor, and strewn virtually everywhere. Good thing I believe in stocking plenty of everything I need to do business with.

Dorothy, a gal down the hall from me (who now works for me, I guess), told them not to leave, this was "a community effort". Oh yeah, Dorothy? Last time I checked, I was the owner and actual boss of this place. But she had already told them "WE" would charge $240 for them all. 😳. I think it was way back in the 1900's that I charged only $12 for anything.

Now...those of you who know me, know that wasn't going to fly. This bit of news didn't sit so well with me, simply because I couldn't believe she had decided it was her place to include me in a price she believed to be good. As I come face to face with her, looking her square in the eye, I say, "I charge $240 for ONE person, not 20! Her eyes widen...and I turn to walk away. Ugh! That was pretty mean of me. I guess in dreams we become who we really are inside, without control. Maybe?????End of Dream #1...

Dream #2:

A very faithful client of mine (we'll call her Carrie, to protect the innocent), had come to the salon for her monthly color services. We had decided to do a full head of foil on this particular visit, along with the retouch. Her husband had come with her on that day. Being the patient man that he is, he sat calmly scrolling through his phone, as I worked. Don't even know if that is relevant in this dream. But he was there, regardless.

Just as I finished putting 150 (or thereabouts) foils in her hair, and clipping the front foils from her face, the sconces on each side of the mirror started smoking and catching fire. I grabbed a paper towel so I wouldn't burn my fingers while getting the bulbs out before they exploded. Too late. They shattered just as I reached for the first one. Tim (we'll call him), just sat and watched it all. He's a very calm(ing) guy.

My mind was telling me I still needed to get the retouch product on Carrie's hair. Fire blazing, I turned to whip up the formula, Carrie and Tim left. WHAT?! ...Dreams are so crazy... 🙄

Next thing I know, some guy that is also in my employment, I guess, came up to me apologizing all over the place about Carrie's hair. I just looked at him and blinked. First of all, I didn't know who he was. And secondly, why is he apologizing for Carrie's hair? What in the world was he talking about? Then Carrie shows up, begging me to forgive her. Which, in real life, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't do, simply because there would be nothing to apologize for. But there she was, blazing red roots and the now, non-existent highlights of which I had just done a fabulous job with. Whoever this guy was, he had finished my job for me. Really finished it... End of Dream #2

So, you may be wondering what the moral of these two stories, er, dreams are. Or why I felt the need to share them. Me too. If anyone has any idea(s), besides me eating 7 Chicken and Cheese Taquitos last night, please divulge in the comments below. Maybe God just thought I needed a good chuckle. 😂

I'm looking for anything. And, as always, here you'll find me...in Mary's World

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