I thought I was invincible. Mostly...but this past week I was proven wrong. I have been (for the most part) a very healthy gal. But, once again I needed reminded that in the end, it isn't MY strength that keeps me going. Have you ever heard the saying, "There but for the grace of God, go I" that was penned by sixteenth century English Reformer, John Bradford? (He probably translated that from I Corinthians15:10) Just a guess...
It's amazing how grateful one can be for health when not having it for a hot minute. Grateful for strength to move from one space to another without having to crawl to get there...once we've been shown we're not the one in control. We like to think we are. And most days we're allowed to believe that we are. Until that slimy unseen enemy takes us down a notch or two. Get this: I actually thought my throat was dry from sleeping with my mouth open! I think it was more of a solid HOPE, 'cause I didn't really believe it, either. I just tried to convince myself. So, I put off the hot salt water gargles and honey mixed with cinnamon doses. Wrong move, Mary. Wrong move.
It took 2 days of "dry throat syndrome" to lay me flat. I wasn't expecting this. Was surprised by it actually. I slept for the better part of 3 days while my trusty Vicks Vapo Steam filled my room and DayQuill and NyQuill filled my body. Dennis came through from time to time to make sure I was still on this side of Heaven. He's a good man. 😉 I called him on his way home from work, yesterday, around 2 PM asking for a Chic-fil-A Sammy and Fries. I was on the mend! Today, day 6, I feel like a new person and am still wide awake after having been up since 11:30 LAST NIGHT!!!!! Oh, man...16 hours up and eyes still wide open. 🥴😳
If you were one of those who tried to reach me during this time, please forgive me. When I FINALLY looked through my emails, I pilfered through to find those of you who are actually my clients, and hopefully, I responded to everyone. I really don't know what time you may have received either a text, or an email from me, but I couldn't trust just how long I'd be conscious. Middle of the night, I'm guessing. Just not sure. 😁😉 Hope it was understandable...😂
It can't go without mention, however, how wonderful it felt to get out of the house. Even if it was just to go to the grocery store. It felt as though I'd never been sick. The air was fresh, the wind whipping up every now and again, and the cool 45 degree weather was perfect. I managed to get stuck in traffic on the way home...long enough to enjoy the beautiful colors the trees are putting out for all us passersby. Another reason I love change. All seasons have their beauty, and God gave us 4 to enjoy over the course of each year. Three months for each season. Just long enough to keep us from getting bored. Isn't that great?!!!
Thank you, dear clients, for understanding and for rescheduling! Thank you for not believing I'm invincible.