Last Thursday evening I could tell something different was beginning to happen inside my now small frame. The throat had begun to scratch every time I swallowed. Being raised by a mom that used every home remedy known to mankind, I started my journey of battling the nasty Rhinosinusitis & Acute Coryza. That's right folks…the common cold and cough had found my residence.
The first thing on my agenda was to gargle with salt water. Very warm salt water. At least 4 ounces of salt water per session. My mission was to attack at the point of least resistance and armed with proven weapons of mass destruction. I knew it was best to gargle at least 3 times a day in order for the salt to draw out all the germs that lay in wait, ready to create a full out war on my body. However, my business of choice chained me to the tools of creativity…and it just wasn't possible on that first day. So deciding to sneak around the back way, I was able to shoot a surprise double at evenings tide. Ha! Take that, you evil germs!
My throat felt better instantly, but still…I knew not to let my guard down as my chest began to tighten ever so slightly. Remembering a concoction I had written on a scrap piece of paper (about the size of the palm of my hand), I found my way quickly there to see the ingredients for my second attack. Bringing out my treasured magnetic measuring spoons, I separated the three needed for prep. 1/4 teaspoon for the cinnamon, 1 teaspoon for the honey, 1 Tablespoon to mix the two in. To be taken twice a day, I was armed and ready for the surprise Mr. Germy didn't see coming. He would be defeated in less than 3 days! Okay, maybe the full 3 days would have to happen...
Friday morning came and I felt pretty good. No more scratchy throat. I prepared another serving of honey and cinnamon, patted myself on the back and went off to work. By mid afternoon, something in my head released a watery discharge (yucky!!!) without warning. How I made it through that day, I simply cannot tell you. My nose, and my clients, were very grossed out by "lock the doors" time. Upon my arrival at the ponderosa, I went to my arsenal. Alka Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough meds, Vicks Vaporub for the chest and neck. Oh what the heck. Let's dab some just under the nostrils for anticipated blockage. I knew the routine well. First the runs, then the "can't get it out" no matter how hard you blow. Nothing. No air, no fat, slimy, mucus…nothing. They did not suspect who they were up against. I was not caving in this time. Nope, not happening.
Bed time knew not beauty. Makeup off, skin moisturized, nose vaselined and vapo-rubbed, chest slathered with Vicks, bottom of feet lined with Vicks, cotton socks applied to feet, cold meds taken, honey and cinnamon swallowed, and Vicks humidifier positioned just 5 feet away creating a shield of protection through the dark night…and LOTS of water (taken throughout the day). The final step was to prop myself up in bed to keep the enemy from stealing my breath. In an upright position, he was powerless. Laying flat, he had the upper hand. That wasn't going to happen. I slept like a baby.
Saturday was a stay-at-home day. A get-as-much-rest-as-you-can, day. And I did just that. I didn't move very far away from the couch and found that one actually COULD sit all day long. No appetite…no need for food. Just lots of water and facial massaging. My strategy was working. I just knew it was. This was only day 2 and my plans for knocking the socks off this uninvited intruder was still on cue. "Night time is always the worst," they say. But I was sailing through this distraction with little to no adverse consequences. With chest and feet covered in Vicks, honey and cinnamon consumed, Alka Seltzer downed, and vapor streaming into my room via humidifier, I was prepared for the second onslaught of my attacker. Another peaceful night. It was like a shield had been protecting me. Yes…I smelled a little strong, but I felt pretty dang good to be in the midst of a war zone.
Sunday broke in like a freight train blowing it's horn. An hour had been lost because someone on capital hill decided to rule over the light and dark of our seasons and now 6 am had become 5 am…just like that. It was okay though, because once again, I slept all the way through my night time without waking up once. I felt rested alright, but now a cough was trying to intimidate me. I head to the kitchen for my honey and cinnamon mixture. Ah…so good. This is the 3rd day. Feeling good, but not wanting to underestimate the possibility of the cough taking on new heights, I stayed home from church. I'm sure they all appreciated that even though I've still not received any thank-yous.
Aren't you happy I've shared all this with you? "Why?" you may ask. I'm not 100% sure, just thought it interesting how one little teaspoon of honey and cinnamon can seemingly stop a cold in it's tracks. Sure, I did other things as well, but I've always done those "other things" and a cold usually hangs around me for at least a week, and the cough that comes after usually lasts a good month. My nostrils become so dried out from blowing and wiping, they peel from overly dried out skin. And the worst culprit of them all is the awful fever blisters that usually pop up either on (or in) my nose, and/or mouth!!! Every. Single. Time! Not so this time! Whoop!!!
You're welcome.
You know where to find me…it's here, in Mary's World.