Amazingly enough, I have found myself to be at the age of having to look life (and the end of it) squarely in the eye. As far as I know, I'm a healthy individual, not having to rely on any type of medication or life sustaining paraphernalia. I even resist the occasional ibuprofen for the headaches that come with seasonal allergies...which I didn't have until about 5 years ago. I suppose the immune system I was born with is getting a bit tired, and lets some things slip by it unnoticed. However, I feel strong, not having to deal with such things as arthritis, heart issues, blood pressure issues, or other substantially debilitating problems.
Yesterday was a real eye opener, however, as I found myself becoming emotional as Lindsey and I sat in a wealth builder's office. I think I was able to hide it pretty well, but none-the-less, it was most likely one of the hardest days I've lived (thus far) since moving to N.C. My husband and I had promised our children that we would seek out long-term care insurance, since we were "getting to that age." Heads up, y''s not one that's easy to look at. Have you ever seen the cost of this type of insurance? I know why many have to depend on the government for help as they get closer to "that age." I've seen many standing at the pharmaceutical counter, having to give what little money they had, to purchase medication for what ailed them. I've heard horror stories of how they didn't have enough to buy food because of the price of their meds. And forget the cost of heat during the cold winter months, or air conditioning during the heat of summertime. Then as their health failed completely, they had to be put in a government ran facility, with less than desired care.
The hard thing about this type of insurance is that one never knows if they will actually need it, but it could mean the difference of the quality of life one experiences when the time comes should they need help. And we wouldn't have to stress our girls out with what to do with Mom and/or Dad. It's still pretty confusing to me. I'm wondering how we'll make this decision with the price tag being so large. But it is something we will need to decide very soon.
The really good news is that we serve a faithful God. Should the decision be to bring peace of mind to all concerned, we'll find the money. He gives wisdom to those that ask. So, maybe this bridge we're looking at crossing over, isn't so rickety after all.
No matter what the decision is, here you'll find Mary's World, maintaining all that has been given me to manage...until "that age" comes.