Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Beauty of this World

Some do not like all the rain we've been getting. And it is true, that even too much of a good thing becomes not so good. Yet, as I look out my study window, I love the lush green carpet of grass, the deep green color of the leaves on our large Oak trees and gracefully slender Elm, that comes only from sufficient moisture.  Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

The wind is gently caressing the leaves of the trees as it makes it way from east to west, and I am so very relaxed and confident in the wisdom of my God, as I sit and sip my early morning coffee. There is no need...or room for, complaint. Everything is as it should be in my world. Well...most everything.

There may be a few things I can work on I receive grace to help me change them. It's true...some things we just cannot change. Like the weather. Other things, well yes, they are changeable...and it is up to us to change them. Like our attitude, or how we view each other. I suppose irritants will always be close by to place stumbling blocks in our path. Life takes a little work. If all was perfect, I'm afraid we would be very lazy people. Opportunities face us daily, and says to us, "Let's see what you can do with this." Only the determined, with focus and desire, (and a good dose of God's grace), will pry that stumbling block right off it's axis.

And then, then...the beauty of this world will shine through!

As always, you will find me Mary's World